Throughout the adventure, the players will have the opportunity to obtain one or more *amber shards*—fragments of the amber sarcophagi that imprison the vestiges of the Amber Temple. Though they don't carry the full essence of the vestiges, each amber shard bears a psychic link to the sarcophagus from which it came. Through that link, a vestige can whisper to the shard's holder, offering promises of power in exchange for descent into corruption. > [!info]+ **Finding Amber Shards** > The players have an opportunity to obtain an amber shard: > * during [[Character Creation]] > * after defeating Izek Strazni in [[Arc F - Lady Wachter's Wish]] / [[Arc G - The Strazni Siblings]] (see [[#Seriach, the Hell Hound Whisperer]]) > * after raiding the Castle Ravenloft treasury in [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist]] (see [[#Great Taar Haak, the Five-Headed Destroyer]]) > > You should not, however, add additional shards for the players to obtain. > [!info]+ **The Magic of the Shards** > A player who scrutinizes an amber shard with a *detect magic* spell discerns tinges of abjuration magic. A player who attempts to identify a shard with an *identify* spell learns that it was once a part of a larger framework meant to contain or imprison some entity or creature, and that it still retains some arcane link to the original container. # Stage One In this stage, the player is a mere possessor of the amber shard, likely unaware of the true power it offers. The first time that the player is reduced to 0 hit points and knocked unconscious while possessing the shard, a dark silhouette appears to them in a vision and offers to help them escape the specter of death and return to the fight. The silhouette names no price, and remains silent unless the player accepts their offer. If the player accepts, they regain all of their hit points. The player then proceeds to Stage Two of the shard's corruption. If they decline, the vestige does not appear to them again unless the player falls unconscious in a particularly dire situation. # Stage Two In this stage, the player is aware of the shard's unnatural power, but unable to contact the vestige for further aid. The first time that the player is reduced to half of their maximum hit points or fewer while in combat, the silhouette's voice speaks to them in their mind. The vestige offers to grant the player the power to strike down their foes. If the player declines the voice's offer, the vestige does not contact them again unless the player is reduce to half of their maximum hit points or fewer while in combat with an enemy that they particularly loathe. If the player accepts, they gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice their proficiency bonus at the start of each of their turns for 1 minute. During that time, the player can also cast a particular spell once as a bonus action without expending a spell slot and without components, as given in the **Amber Corruption** section below. (The spell's attack bonus is +7, and its spell save DC is 15.) Upon granting these boons, the vestige's voice invites the player to commune with its shard if they wish to obtain the power they seek. The player then proceeds to Stage Three of the shard's corruption. # Stage Three In this stage, the player has tasted of the shard's eldritch power and wishes to pursue it further. The player can successfully commune with the vestige by meditating for 1 minute while focusing their thoughts on the shard. The vestige's voice then speaks to them in their mind, offering them a permanent boon as a gift, and as a taste of the full power that they can obtain should they travel to the vestige's home in the Amber Temple. If the player accepts, they gain the following effects: * They gain a particular boon, as given in the **Amber Corruption** section below. * They can continue to cast that vestige's spell once per day. Each time they do, they gain a number of levels of exhaustion equal to the number of times they've cast the spell. This number resets only if the player spends three full days without casting the vestige's spell. (For example, if a player casts Fekre's *stinking cloud* spell two days in a row, they receive one level of exhaustion on the first day and two levels of exhaustion on the second day. If the player waits three days before casting the spell again, they will receive only one level of exhaustion for doing so; otherwise, they will receive three additional levels of exhaustion.) * They suffers a particular condition, as given in the same section below. The condition is incurable without the aid of a *greater restoration* spell or similar magic. (A player can also receive St. Markovia's healing in [[Arc Q - A Shining Beacon]].) If the condition is cured, the player also loses all of the vestige's gifts, including its spell and boon. If the player asks the vestige about the condition, the vestige informs them that the condition is a byproduct of the imperfect connection forged by the shards. It invites that player to the Amber Temple to receive the vestige's full gift and complete their transformation. If the player declines the voice's offer, they can commune with the vestige again at any subsequent time by repeating the same process. # Amber Corruption ## Fekre, Queen of Poxes ***Spell.*** _Stinking Cloud._ ***Boon.*** When you make a critical hit, you can force the target to succeed on a constitution saving throw or be poisoned. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. ***Condition.*** Your body is covered in boils and pustules. Other creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Medicine) checks made to stabilize you. ## Zrin-Hala, the Howling Storm ***Spell.*** _Lightning Bolt._ ***Boon.*** When you make a critical hit, you can force the target to succeed on a constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the start of your next turn. ***Condition.*** One side of your face sags and loses all feeling. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. ## Sykane, the Soul Hungerer ***Spell.*** _Spirit Guardians (Necrotic)._ ***Boon.*** You make death saving throws with advantage, and have advantage made on Wisdom (Medicine) checks made to stabilize other creatures. ***Condition.*** Your eyes glow a sickly yellow. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. ## Savnok, the Inscrutable ***Spell.*** _Greater Invisibility._ ***Boon.*** You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. ***Condition.*** Your eyes melt away, leaving empty sockets that can still see. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. ## Tarakemedes, the Grave Wyrm ***Spell.*** _Fly._ ***Boon.*** While aloft, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. However, you can't use this speed to gain altitude, and you descend 1 foot for every 10 feet of horizontal distance covered. ***Condition.*** Malformed skeletal wings sprout from your back. You must eat bones or grave dirt to survive. At dawn, if you have not eaten at least 1 pound of bones or grave dirt in the past 24 hours, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. ## Shami-Amourae, the Lady of Delights ***Spell.*** _Suggestion._ ***Boon.*** You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. ***Condition.*** You gain an extra finger on each hand. You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws against poison, spells, and magical effects. ## Drizlash, the Nine-Eyed Spider *Shard Location: The Amber Temple* ***Spell.*** _Web._ ***Boon.*** You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. ***Condition.*** You grow an extra eye somewhere on your body, which is blind and never open. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks. ## Dahlver-Nar, He of the Many Teeth ***Spell.*** _Polymorph._ ***Boon.*** When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to drop to 1 hit point instead and gain 1 level of exhaustion. ***Condition.*** You lose all of your teeth. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. ## Zantras, the Kingmaker ***Spell.*** _Charm Monster._ ***Boon.*** You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. ***Condition.*** Your skin turns red and your teeth become filed points. You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws. ## Delban, the Star of Ice and Hate ***Spell.*** _Hunger of Hadar._ ***Boon.*** When you make a critical hit, you can force the target to succeed on a strength saving throw or be restrained by ice until the end of its next turn. ***Condition.*** Your skin turns ice-blue and brittle. You have disadvantage on Strength checks. ## Khirad, the Star of Secrets ***Spell.*** _Phantasmal Killer._ ***Boon.*** You have advantage on Intelligence checks. ***Condition.*** Your voice becomes a low whisper, and your mouth is frozen in a perpetual smile. You are incapable of shouting or speaking loudly. ## Yrrga, the Eye of Shadows ***Spell.*** _Blindness/Deafness._ ***Boon.*** When you make a critical hit, you can force the target to succeed on a constitution saving throw or be blinded. The target can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. ***Condition.*** Your eyes become starry voids. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. ## Great Taar Haak, the Five-Headed Destroyer ***Spell.*** _Earth Tremor (at 5th level)._ ***Boon.*** You have advantage on Strength checks. ***Condition.*** Your head becomes lumpy and misshapen. You have disadvantage on Intelligence checks. ## Yog the Invincible *Shard Location: Tsolenka Pass* ***Spell.*** _Stoneskin._ ***Boon.*** Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. ***Condition.*** Oily black fur covers your face and body. You have disadvantage on checks made to escape a grapple. ## Norganas, the Finger of Oblivion *Shard Location: Death House* ***Spell.*** _Bestow Curse (at 5th level)._ ***Boon.*** When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. ***Condition.*** Your blood turns pitch black and viscid, like tar. If you would regain hit dice after finishing a long rest, you regain one less hit die. ## Vaund the Evasive ***Spell.*** _Blur._ ***Boon.*** You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. ***Condition.*** You become twitchy and nervous. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. ## Seriach, the Hell Hound Whisperer *Shard Location: Izek Strazni* ***Spell.*** _Scorching Ray._ ***Boon.*** You gain resistance to fire damage. ***Condition.*** The skin of your left arm turns crimson red and gains barbed spines, elongated fingers, and long nails. You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.