*An adventure for five 7th-level characters.*
In this arc, while Strahd is away from the keep, the players must infiltrate Castle Ravenloft to recover several prisoners and precious objects, including the **werewolf** Emil Toranescu, Doru’s betrothed Gertruda, the skull of Argynvost, the *Icon of Dawn's Grace*, and the long-lost *spear of the Huntress*. To do so, they must bypass the castle guards, navigate Ravenloft’s twisting corridors, and defeat Strahd’s consorts, servants, and other minions.
As they work to enter the castle, they’ll need to avoid the attentions of the **wights** patrolling the castle parapets. Through the main entrance, a team of **gargoyles** lies in wait as the vampire Ludmilla Vilisevic lurks nearby. In the servants’ wing, a pair of **vampire spawn** lurk amidst the darkness, with the castle’s ancient elevator trap not far away. In the king’s apartments above, the vampire Anastrasya Karelova keeps Gertruda under lock and key with the aid of four **wight** guards—and in the treasury nearby, an **invisible stalker** defends Strahd’s most precious riches.
Far above the rest of the castle, Strahd’s **guardian portrait** watches over the silent landing outside the guest suite, while the witches’ coven prepares a noxious brew to create heralds of Strahd’s forthcoming zombie plague. In the garrisons, an undead army quietly awaits its master’s orders. In the dungeons far below, the vampire **Volenta Popofsky** and her foul **zombies** guard Emil’s place in the castle’s black cells, while, in the catacombs, the *Icon of Dawn's Grace* and *spear of the Huntress* dwell in the crypts of Saint Markovia and King Dostron the Hellborn.
And in the shadows, Strahd’s chamberlain Rahadin sits and meditates, preparing himself for his sacrifice on the day of the Grand Conjunction . . .
# P1. Preparing for the Heist
Upon returning to their chosen settlement at the conclusion of [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]], the players can make any plans and preparations they would like in advance of the heist. As they do, if the players don’t suggest it first, Ezmerelda and Ireena might make any or all of the following suggestions:
* The players can use the *Keeper’s whistle* they obtained at the conclusion of [[Arc J - The Stolen Gem#J7b. Returning the Gem|Arc J - the Stolen Gem]] to request the assistance of the Keepers of the Feather in scouting out the grounds, distracting castle guards, and/or delivering messages to any NPC whose help the players might seek.
* The players might ask Doru or Rudolph van Richten for a rough map of the castle to guide them. (See **Mapping the Castle** below for details.)
* The players should prepare a plan—and preferably a backup plan—for getting into the castle while the drawbridge is up. (If the players ask their companions for ideas, Ireena suggests asking the Martikovs for help, while Ezmerelda suggests purchasing a grappling hook and rope from Arasek Stockyard, as well as climber’s kits to ascend the outer walls of the keep.)
> [!abstract]+ **Mapping the Castle**
> > [!info]+ **What Doru Knows**
> > If asked, Doru can provide a rough boxes-and-lines map of the following areas, with additional commentary:
> >
> > ![[Dorus_Notes.png]]
> >
> > <span class="credit">"Doru's Map" by Caleb Cleveland. Support him on <a href="https://patreon.com/calebisdrawing/">Patreon!</a></span>
> >
> > <span class="citation">K1. Front Courtyard (p. 52)</span>. “The drawbridge leads right into the front courtyard. I’m not sure if it’ll be up for you—it was down when we first went in, but the Master—er, Strahd kept it up often."
> > <span class="citation">K7. Entry (p. 54)</span>. “The dragon statues here always gave me a weird feeling—like they were watching me. Be careful."
> > <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>. “The gargoyles also always gave me a weird feeling. I swear I once saw one of them move."
> > <span class="citation">K14. Hall of Faith (p. 57)</span>. “This hall just gave me the creeps."
> > <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>. “I’m sure it was beautiful once, but not anymore. I saw an armored corpse there once, but it was gone the next day. It might be worth taking a look around to see if anything is left."
> > <span class="citation">K16. North Chapel Access (p. 58)</span>. “I’m not sure where this chamber led, but it seemed to lead up."
> > <span class="citation">K17. South Chapel Access (p. 58)</span>. “This chamber led down."
> > <span class="citation">K18. High Tower Staircase (p. 58)</span>. “This staircase led straight down to the crypts."
> > <span class="citation">K84. Catacombs (p. 85)</span>. “I spent most of my time here, amongst the bats on the ceilings. I could never remember all of the names on the crypts, though." (If asked, Doru can mark the approximate locations of King Dostron’s and Saint Markovia’s crypts, which are now located in Crypt 34 and Crypt 40, respectively.)
> > <span class="citation">K85. Sergei’s Tomb (p. 93)</span>. “I never saw what was in this tomb—there was a portcullis blocking the entrance. It was always well-lit, though."
> > <span class="citation">K86. Strahd’s Tomb (p. 93)</span>. “This was *his* tomb. I still remember opening the coffin when we first marched on it—and finding it empty."
> > <span class="citation">K87. Guardians (p. 94)</span>. “There was a strange magic curtain blocking the staircase down. I didn’t know if it was helpful or harmful, but I tried to steer clear nonetheless."
> > <span class="citation">K88. Tomb of King Barov and Queen Ravenovia (p. 94)</span>. “There was some kind of tomb down here, but I don’t know whose. Rahadin came here often."
> > [!info]+ **What Van Richten Knows**
> > If asked, Van Richten can provide a rough boxes-and-lines map of the following areas, with additional commentary:
> >
> > ![[Dorus_Notes_Plus_VR.png]]
> >
> > <span class="credit">"Van Richten's Map" by Caleb Cleveland. Support him on <a href="https://patreon.com/calebisdrawing/">Patreon!</a></span>
> >
> > <span class="citation">K1. Front Courtyard (p. 52)</span>. “The drawbridge leads into the front courtyard. I observed two gate towers, which I presume contain the mechanism that controlls the bridge."
> > <span class="citation">K2. Center Court Gate (p. 54)</span>. “There are two side courtyards—one north, one south. The north was obstructed by a heavy, old portcullis, which I only barely managed to lift. I presume the south was as well."
> > <span class="citation">K3. Servants’ Courtyard (p. 54)</span>. “The servants’ courtyard, I presume, complete with a servants’ entrance. The door sticks, so be careful should you need to flee through it in a hurry."
> > <span class="citation">K4. Carriage House (p. 54)</span>. “I presume it holds Strahd’s carriage."
> > <span class="citation">K5. Chapel Garden (p. 54)</span>. “I believe a garden sits back here. I didn’t get a good look, however."
> > <span class="citation">K7. Entry (p. 54)</span>. “Be careful should you enter through the front—doubtless, something will be watching."
> > <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>. “A major junction. Be careful you don’t get lost."
> > <span class="citation">K14. Hall of Faith (p. 57)</span>. “I’m sure I briefly heard a metallic grinding behind the south wall, but I suppose it might have been my imagination."
> > <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>. “Don’t forget to check the balcony overhead, just to make sure you’re not being watched."
> > <span class="citation">K16. North Chapel Access (p. 58)</span>. “I’m confident this chamber led up to the balcony overlooking the chapel."
> > <span class="citation">K17. South Chapel Access (p. 58)</span>. “This chamber led down."
> > <span class="citation">K18. High Tower Staircase (p. 58)</span>. “This staircase led straight down to the crypts. I noticed a large crack in one of the walls, about halfway down—likely a passageway for a vampire in mist form."
> > <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span>. “The heart of the castle. If you can find this staircase, you always know where you are."
> > <span class="citation">K23. Servants’ Entrance (p. 59)</span>. “The rear entrance. An excellent place to sneak in."
> > <span class="citation">K61. Elevator Trap (p. 74)</span>. “A quiet corridor. I noticed some strange indentations along the floor as I fled the castle, but couldn’t afford the time to investigate."
> > <span class="citation">K62. Servants’ Hall (p. 76)</span>. “The servants’ hall, I presume."
> > <span class="citation">K84. Catacombs (p. 85)</span>. “Be careful you don’t get lost down here—or open the wrong door. Dark things lurk amongst the crypts. I’m sure it’s only gotten worse with Strahd’s awakening."
> > <span class="citation">K86. Strahd’s Tomb (p. 93)</span>. “Strahd’s tomb—and the resting place of his coffin. I’m sure he’s a light sleeper, though."
> [!abstract]+ **What the Martikovs Know**
> Players who ask Davian or Urwin Martikov for information about Castle Ravenloft's layout can learn that the castle has three towers: (1) the north tower, which stands atop the guards' quarters beneath the castle, and was primarily used for defending the keep; (2) the south tower, which connects every level of the main castle, and which was used by guests, servants and Strahd's court alike; and (3) the high tower in the east, which runs from the depths of the catacombs to the castle's highest point, and which bears a shaft in the center that leads directly from the tower's peak to the catacombs below.
> [!abstract]+ **Recruiting Allies**
> If the players attempt to recruit any of the following NPCs through the use of the Keepers’ ravens, the *sending* spell, or similar means, their responses are as follows:
> **Ismark Kolyanovich (Barovia).** Ismark is honored by the players’ request and eager to assist, but reluctant to give Strahd any further reason to punish the villagers of Barovia. Players who inform Ismark that they bear the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind*, or who provide a robust plan to disguise his movements and identity from Strahd’s spies, can successfully convince Ismark to join them for the heist by succeeding on a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check, made with advantage if the players both inform Ismark of the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind* and provide such a plan.
> **Father Donavich (Barovia/Vallaki).** Father Donavich sadly informs the players that he “is no great fighter," but promises to help heal any wounds they might sustain in the castle following their return.
> **Doru (Vallaki).** If the players inform Doru that Gertruda is a prisoner in Castle Ravenloft, Doru immediately agrees to help rescue her. Otherwise, Doru apologetically declines to join them due to his lingering trauma and fear of relapse if he returns to the keep.
> **Father Lucian Petrovich (Vallaki).** Father Lucian is taken aback by the players' request, but honored by their confidence in him. Nonetheless, he declines to join them, noting that he has an obligation to the people of his congregation to remain in Vallaki for them.
> **Victor Vallakovich (Vallaki).** Victor is surprised and grateful for the players’ faith in him, but sheepishly informs them that he would prefer to stay in Vallaki with Stella. “If something happens to you all, someone will need to still be here," he insists.
> **Lady Fiona Wachter (Vallaki).** Lady Wachter is flattered by the players’ request, but informs them, in no unclear terms, that she must remain in Vallaki to care for her people and family. She also reminds them, somewhat sharply, that she has no intention of defying Strahd. “I am glad to assist you where I can," she chides them gently, “but you ask too much of me."
> **Kasimir Velikov (Vallaki).** Kasimir is surprised by the players’ request, but apologetically informs them that he will not be able to assist them. (If pushed, he reminds them of Strahd’s genocide of his people, and notes quietly that he has no interest in incurring Strahd’s rage again.)
> **Arrigal & Luvash (Vallaki).** Arrigal and Luvash are surprised by the players’ request, but swiftly decline it. Luvash informs the players that he has no interest in defying Strahd, instead preferring to remain with his daughter. Meanwhile, Arrigal warns the players that he has no intention of putting his life in the line. “I’ve done what I’ve done," he says sharply. “Whatever you do from here is not of my concern."
> **Urwin Martikov (Vallaki).** Urwin won’t leave the Blue Water Inn or his family. However, he’s glad to relay a message to Muriel to meet the players at the castle with several **swarms of ravens** that can serve as a makeshift “airlift" into the keep.
> **Muriel Vinshaw (Any).** Muriel is reluctant to venture into Ravenloft due to Davian’s orders and her grief over Elric’s death, though she is more than happy to meet the players with several **swarms of ravens** to assist their efforts to enter the castle. However, a player who promises Muriel an opportunity to obtain justice for Elric and succeeds on a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check can convince her to join the party in the castle as well.
# P2. The Old Svalich Road
## P2a. Approaching the Crossroads
The journey from Vallaki to the castle crossroads is eight-and-a-half miles long and takes two hours and fifty minutes. As they travel, the players pass <span class="citation">Chapter 6: Old Bonegrinder (p. 125)</span> and the western <span class="citation">B. Gates of Barovia (p. 33)</span>.
Alternatively, if the players are traveling from Barovia, the journey is ten and one-half miles long and takes three hours and thirty minutes. As they travel, the players cross <span class="citation">D. River Ivlis (p. 35)</span>, pass through <span class="citation">F. River Ivlis Crossroads (p. 35)</span>, pass the watchtower described in [[Act I - Into the Mists/Arc C - Into the Valley#C6. The Watchtower|Arc C - Into the Valley]], and cross the bridge at <span class="citation">H. Tser Falls (p. 37)</span>.
> [!abstract]+ **The Revenant at the Falls**
> As the players cross the bridge at Tser Falls, the **revenant** described in [[Act I - Into the Mists/Arc C - Into the Valley#C7b. Tser Falls|Arc C - Into the Valley]] hails them with familiarity. Although the revenant isn’t willing or able to take up arms against Strahd or his servants, players who mention their friendship with Sir Godfrey Gwilym and succeed on a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check can convince the revenant to take some minor action to assist them, succeeding automatically if they mention their quest to restore Argynvost’s skull to his tomb. (The revenant won’t enter the castle or its grounds, but is otherwise glad to assist creative players.)
As the players travel, they encounter a caravan of three **Vistani** riding a colorful, horse-drawn wagon from Tser Pool to Vallaki. (If the players are traveling from Vallaki, they encounter the Vistani near the monument to the Seeker described in [[Act I - Into the Mists/Arc C - Into the Valley#C9. Old Bonegrinder|Arc C - Into the Valley]]. If the players are traveling from Barovia, they encounter the Vistani at <span class="citation">F. River Ivlis Crossroads (p. 35)</span>.)
This encounter begins as described in <span class="citation">Vistani Bandits (p. 32)</span>. However, as the Vistani come into view, read:
<div class="description">
<p>A splash of color pierces the dreary gray, revealing a horse-drawn wagon painted in bold reds, blues, and golds. Two brightly-dressed Vistani amble alongside it, and an old Vistani man holds the reins gently from his place atop the coach, his long, grey beard swaying gently in the chill wind as he puffs smoke rings from an old wooden pipe.</p>
The old man is Stanimir, described further in [[Act I - Into the Mists/Arc C - Into the Valley#C4a. Arrival at Tser Pool|Arc C - Into the Valley]]. The two Vistani walking beside Stanimir are named Radu and Elisabeta, and have been passing the time by telling increasingly horrifying and macabre (or comedically outrageous) ghost stories.
If he spots the players, he recognizes them and greets them warmly. He doesn’t inquire into their business and reassures them, with a twinkle in his eye, that it’s a “fine night for a stroll amidst the woods." If asked why he’s traveling the road, Stanimir shares that Madam Eva has commissioned him to deliver a token of esteem to the new burgomaster of Vallaki, Lady Fiona Wachter, as a gesture of friendship in recognition of her new office.
If asked to share Madam Eva’s “token," Stanimir removes a bead pouch from his cloak and allows the players to peek inside, revealing a flat, round stone crest engraved with the image of a three-pointed star. (A player who received the [[Character Creation#Harmony—The Stone Crest|stone crest]] during character creation recognizes the stone as near-identical to their own.) Stanimir knows nothing of the stone’s importance to the Ladies of the Fanes, but can share that, according to Madam Eva, the three points of the star represent foresight, resilience, and courage.
> [!lore]+ **The Stone Crest**
> Only Madam Eva knows that the stone crest carried by Stanimir is secretly a holy symbol of the Ladies of the Fanes, allowing a faithful worshipper of the Ladies to call upon their divine magic to fuel spells.
If the players are traveling from Barovia, Stanimir is glad to journey with them as far as the Ravenloft crossroads described in <span class="citation">I. Black Carriage (p. 37)</span> before parting ways.
Whether the players are coming from Barovia or Vallaki, if the players reunited Varushka’s spirit with Katarina’s locket in [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]], Stanimir abruptly recalls before departing that Madam Eva asked him to give the players a gift if he came across them in the valley, as thanks for assisting a “dear friend" of hers. (Stanimir doesn’t know who this friend is.) Stanimir then gives the players a _clairvoyance stone_ before wishing them well on their journey.
> [!item]+ **Clairvoyance Stone**
> This smooth, polished, palm-sized stone is engraved with a carving of a circular, avian eye. While holding the stone to their eye, the stone’s holder can use their action to whisper a location permitted by the *clairvoyance* spell. The holder then gains the effects of the _clairvoyance_ spell.
> The stone can be used to cast the _clairvoyance_ spell three times. The third time the spell is cast, the stone crumbles to dust after the spell ends.
## P2b. Approaching the Castle
The castle crossroads are largely as described in <span class="citation">I. Black Carriage (p. 37)</span>, except Strahd’s black carriage isn’t present. The journey from the crossroads to the castle gates is two and one-half miles long and takes fifty minutes.
As the players approach the castle, read:
<div class="description">
<p>As the mountain road winds its way between dark, craggy peaks, the plants and trees you pass become increasingly withered. Each new stem or trunk seems more twisted, more grotesque than the last. The vegetation soon sprouts vicious, thorn-laden branches that claw toward the stormy skies above.</p>
<p>A thick blanket of fog rolls across the road, creeping along the land like a skulking spider. Within it, eerie shapes occasionally form and dissipate—a grasping hand, a writhing serpent, a screaming face—then vanish, as quickly as they came.</p>
The gates of Ravenloft are largely as described in <span class="citation">J. Gates of Ravenloft (p. 38)</span>. However, revise this area’s description as follows:
<div class="description">
<p>After winding through the craggy mountain peaks, the road takes a sudden turn to the east. Twin stone guard towers stand before you, their rotted wooden doors creaking in the wind. Beyond these twin turrets lies the precipice of a fifty-foot-wide, fog-filled chasm that plummets to unknown depths below.</p>
<p>Across the chasm, the castle’s old, shored-up wooden drawbridge stands defiantly shut. The great spires of Ravenloft tower above it, their silhouettes murky against the darkened sky.</p>
If any player has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or greater, add:
<div class="description">
<p>Two distant figures patrol the castle parapets immediately above the drawbridge.</p>
The figures are **wights**. (Because they’re patrolling the walls, the wights don’t notice the players immediately.)
## P2c. Strahd’s Departure
Approximately fifteen minutes after dusk, Strahd descends to <span class="citation">Crypt 39 (p. 93)</span> and retrieves Beucephalus from his crypt. Strahd then mounts the **nightmare**, flies it up <span class="citation">K18a. High Tower Shaft (p. 58)</span>, and emerges from <span class="citation">K59. High Tower Peak (p. 73)</span> into the skies above Ravenloft. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>A fiery ember emerges from the castle’s highest tower peak and cuts a blazing swathe westward across the sky. You catch the barest glimpse of an onyx-black steed, its mane awash with crimson flames, and a tall, richly-dressed silhouette atop its back—and then the air ripples around them, and both vanish into the abyss of the night sky.</p>
> [!info]+ **Strahd’s Destination**
> After departing Castle Ravenloft, Strahd rides first for the Mountain Fane, located beneath Old Bonegrinder’s hill. He then rides for the Swamp Fane in Berez, followed by the Forest Fane upon Yester Hill. At each location, he performs a blood sacrifice and encants a ritual binding the Fane to the Heart of Sorrow in preparation for the impending Grand Conjunction.
> Strahd returns to the castle approximately twelve hours after his departure, soon after five o’clock in the morning. (Players who don’t take a long rest in the castle should therefore be unlikely to encounter him.)
## P2d. Crossing the Chasm
The players might use any of the following methods to gain access to the inner keep, or any other reasonable method:
* Magical flight (e.g., *fly* or *polymorph*) to fly across the chasm
* Magical teleportation (e.g. *dimension door*) to teleport across the chasm
* Grappling hooks and rope to swing across the chasm
> [!info]+ **Raven Flight**
> At least two **swarms of ravens** are needed to carry a character of size Medium, while a minimum of one swarm is needed to carry a character of size Small or smaller. (A swarm of ravens carrying a character moves at half speed.)
> [!info]+ **Guards at the Gates**
> Six **wights** patrol the castle walls at all hours of the day and night. (See the diagram below for the wights’ locations and patrol routes along the castle walls, with each black shield representing a wight and each dotted black arrow marking that wight’s patrol route.)
> Each wight bears a large, recognizable horn carved from a **dire wolf’s** femur, which can be visibly seen dangling from its belt. On a wight’s second turn in combat, it uses its action to blow the horn, alerting all other wights to the presence of intruders. Once alerted, a wight uses its full movement to move in the direction of the horn. If an intruder is within range of its ***longbow***, the wight then makes two longbow attacks with its ***multiattack***. Otherwise, it takes the Dash action to continue moving in the direction of the horn.
> Once a wight is within melee range of an intruder, it uses its ***multiattack*** to attack with its ***longsword*** and ***life drain*** each round.
![[Wight Patrols.png]]
The players might use any of the following methods to distract the **wights** patrolling the area above the drawbridge:
* Magical illusions (e.g., *major image*), obfuscation (e.g., *fog cloud*), or invisibility.
* Distracting decoys (e.g., **swarms of ravens** directed by Muriel, or the *find familiar* spell)
* Any other reasonable method (e.g., waiting until both wights are facing away from the drawbridge)
# P3. Castle Grounds
> [!abstract]+ **Varushka’s Gratitude**
> If the players reunited the spirit of Varushka with Katarina’s necklace in [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]], at a time of your choosing when the players are engaged in a combat encounter in Castle Ravenloft and at least two-thirds of them are bloodied, the spirit of Varushka appears to assist them in a show of gratitude. Varushka’s spirit, which uses the statistics of a **poltergeist** with 45 hit points, lingers for no more than 1 minute, and has the following additional properties:
> * She isn’t invisible, and instead has the appearance of a **shadow** bearing the silhouette of a slender woman wearing a dress and apron. (Though she can’t speak with the players in this form, Varushka can communicate through simple nods and gestures.)
> * She gains the following additional reaction: ***Poltergeist’s Shield.*** In response to Varushka or a creature within 5 feet of her being targeted with a melee attack, Varushka adds 2 to the target’s AC against the triggering attack.
> [!abstract]+ **Rahadin's Challenge**
> This arc assumes the players visit the catacombs after completing all other major objectives (i.e., rescuing Gertruda, freeing Emil, and obtaining Argynvost's skull). When they do, Rahadin obstructs their departure from the catacombs after they visit St. Markovia's crypt, as described in [[#South Crypts, Third Row]].
> Should the players instead visit St. Markovia's crypt before completing one of their other three major objectives, Rahadin doesn't appear in the catacombs. Instead, once the players move to depart Castle Ravenloft, Rahadin appears to obstruct their departure the next time they pass through one of the following areas:
> * <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via <span class="citation">K7. Entry (p. 54)</span>,
> * <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via the teleportation brazier there,
> * <span class="citation">K23. Servants' Entrance (p. 59)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via that route,
> * <span class="citation">K46. Parapets (p. 68)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave by that route, and
> * <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span> otherwise.
> If Rahadin confronts the players in <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, he removes the seven stones set into the brazier's rim and places them into a small leather pouch before they enter the room. He then ties the leather pouch to his belt. If the players notice the stones' disappearance before noticing Rahadin's ***screams of the dead***, he emerges from his hiding place behind one of the iron golems and asks, "Looking for these?" A player can attempt to sever the pouch from Rahadin's belt by making an attack against Rahadin's AC with disadvantage. On a hit, the pouch is severed if the string tying it to Rahadin's belt takes at least 1 point of piercing, slashing, fire, acid, necrotic, radiant, or force damage. Rahadin also automatically drops the pouch if he uses the *amulet of Ravenloft* to pass through a wall, ceiling, or floor of the castle.
> See [[#South Crypts, Third Row]] for more information about Rahadin's statistics and appearance.
> [!info]+ **Heist Milestones**
> Stealing Argynvost's skull completes a story milestone. When the players depart Ravenloft, award each player 4,000 XP. If the players depart Castle Ravenloft after completing one or more of the following additional objectives, award each player:
> * 250 XP if they obtained the *Icon of Dawn's Grace* from St. Markovia's crypt
> * 250 XP if they rescued Emil Toranescu
> * 250 XP if they rescued Gertruda
> * 250 XP if they obtained the *Spear of the Huntress* from King Dostron's crypt
> * 250 XP if they looted Strahd's treasury
## P3a. Front Courtyard
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K1.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K1. Front Courtyard (p. 52)</span>. However, the doors into the keep are closed.
> [!info]+ **Sneaking Past the Guards**
> If the players haven’t alerted the **wights** atop the walls yet, they must succeed on a DC 14 group Dexterity (Stealth) check to evade detection each time they move across the grounds without pausing. If the players fail the check, the **wights** attack from atop the walls using their longbows, but don’t follow the players into the castle.
> [!info]+ **Entering the Main Doors of the Keep**
> Players who enter the main doors of the keep exit the castle grounds and enter [[#P4. Castle Commons]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#Main Entrance]].
## P3b. Center Court Gate
<span class="citation"><em>These scenes take place in Chapter 4, Area K2.</em></span>
These north and south courtyards are largely as described in <span class="citation">K2. Center Court Gate (p. 54)</span>. In addition, a creature that attempts to lift one of the portcullises in these areas must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) check with disadvantage to avoid alerting any **wights** nearby.
## P3c. Servants’ Courtyard
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K3.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K3. Servants’ Courtyard (p. 54)</span>.
> [!info]+ **Entering the Servants’ Entrance**
> Players who enter the wooden door here exit the castle grounds and enter [[#P5. Servants’ Wing]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#Servants’ Entrance|Servants’ Entrance]].
## P3d. Carriage House
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K4.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K4. Carriage House (p. 54)</span>.
## P3e. Chapel Garden
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K5.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K5. Chapel Garden (p. 54)</span>.
## P3f. Overlook
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K6.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K6. Overlook (p. 54)</span>.
> [!info]+ **Descending to the Crypts**
> Players who use ropes, flight, or other means to descend to the windows in the cliff face beneath the overlook can exit the castle grounds and enter [[#P12. Catacombs]] via the King & Queen's Tomb in [[#P12b. Central Catacombs]].
# P4. Castle Commons
This area of the castle, including the main entry, the castle dining hall, and the chapel on the first floor, as well as the king’s audience hall on the second, was built to host the many petitioners and guests that might visit the castle in its heyday. Once used for public events, holy days, and royal business, it has since grown disused and forsaken, its once-kingly halls now ancient and dusty.
## P4a. Castle Commons, First Floor
### Main Entrance
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K7.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K7. Entry (p. 54)</span>. However, there are only two **red dragon wyrmling** statues instead of four. (As in the original campaign, the dragons only attack strangers leaving the castle, not entering it.)
> [!info]+ **Exiting the Main Entrance**
> Players who depart through the double doors here exit the castle commons and enter [[#P3. Castle Grounds]] via [[#P3a. Front Courtyard]].
### Main Foyer
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K8, K9, and K19.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>, <span class="citation">K9. Guests’ Hall (p. 55)</span>, and <span class="citation">K19. Grand Landing (p. 58)</span>. However, reduce the number of **gargoyles** from eight to four.
> [!combat]+ **Balancing the Entryway**
> This combat encounter is a **mild** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 16% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of gargoyles to three.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of gargoyles to three.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of gargoyles to five.
***The First Visit.*** The first time the players enter this area, a *glyph of warding* hidden among the dust on the ceiling activates, casting a *major image* spell originating from the organ in the <span class="citation">K10. Dining Hall (p. 56)</span>. (The *major image* is the source of the “sad and majestic organ tones" described in <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>.)
Shortly after the players first enter this area, the *major image* abruptly changes. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>A woman’s terrified shriek rings out from the dining hall—and the organ music abruptly cuts short.</p>
> [!abstract]+ **Ludmilla’s Arrival**
> When the woman’s shriek rings out, Ludmilla Vilisevic, one of Strahd’s vampiric brides, hears the disturbance and departs [[#P9. Coven’s Quarters]], casting *gaseous form* and descending <span class="citation">K48. Offstair (p. 70)</span> and <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> to <span class="citation">K9. Guests’ Hall (p. 56)</span>. She then climbs <span class="citation">K19. Grand Landing (p. 58)</span> and conceals herself, waiting for the players to return.
> However, if the players don’t enter <span class="citation">K10. Dining Hall (p. 56)</span> and instead ascend <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span>, Ludmilla hears them coming and returns to <span class="citation">K47. Portrait of Strahd (p. 68)</span>. There, in order to lure the players to the roof, she uses her ***claws*** attack to slice a wound along her own shoulder, allowing blood to drip down to form a trail on the floor behind her as she ascends <span class="citation">K48. Offstair (p. 70)</span> to <span class="citation">K57. Tower Roof (p. 72)</span>. See [[#P8. Guest Suite]] for more information about Ludmilla’s ambush.
> If the players neither enter <span class="citation">K10. Dining Hall (p. 56)</span> nor ascend <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span>, and instead ascend <span class="citation">K19. Grand Landing (p. 58)</span>, Ludmilla hears them coming and creates a blood trail to lure them through <span class="citation">K25. Audience Hall (p. 61)</span> into <span class="citation">K26. Guards’ Post (p. 61)</span>, through <span class="citation">K27. King’s Hall (p. 61)</span> onto <span class="citation">K28. King’s Balcony (p. 62)</span>, and down <span class="citation">K29. Creaky Landing (p. 62)</span> into <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>.
***The Second Visit.*** The second time the players enter this area (e.g., after investigating the <span class="citation">K10. Dining Hall (p. 56)</span>, they find a thick carpet of fog has covered its entire floor. They also find Ludmilla Vilisevic standing at the center of <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>, waiting for them.
Ludmilla greets the players coldly and notes her regrets that the guards upon the walls evidently could not keep “troglodytes" such as them outside of the keep. She proceeds to attempt to provoke the players into attacking her, preferring to focus her insults and provocations upon melee-oriented players most likely to lose their tempers. (Ludmilla might threaten characters the player holds dear, impugn their principles or sense of honor, or imply that they are weak or otherwise incapable.)
If no player rises to meet the bait, Ludmilla sneers at the players for believing they could match "Baba Lysaga's eldest and greatest student" (herself), and concludes that she will be pleased to bring their “cold, unmoving" remains to “Count von Zarovich"—*after* she’s dissected them herself. She then moves to attack.
> [!combat]+ **Balancing the Witch**
> Due to the phase mechanic, this combat encounter is a series of two consecutive **mild** combat encounters against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 12% of their total maximum hit points per phase (for a total of 24% of their maximum hit points). For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce Ludmilla’s hit points to 58 in each phase, the damage of her Freezing Ray to 1d6 cold damage per ray, and the damage of her **Mage’s Reprisal** to 2d4 damage. In her second phase, remove the Necrotic damage from her **Claws** and **Mist Shards**.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce Ludmilla’s hit points to 70 in each phase and her **Freezing Ray** attack to only two rays. In her second phase, remove the Necrotic damage from her **Claws** and reduce her **Mist Shards'** damage to 1d4 + 3 slashing damage and 1d4 necrotic damage.
> * **Six Players**. Increase Ludmilla’s hit points to 94 in each phase and the number of rays to five (reduce the damage of each ray to 2d4 cold damage). In her second phase, increase her **Claws** and **Mist Shards**’ necrotic damage to 1d8.
In either case, on initiative count 20 of the first round of combat, the four **gargoyles** begin to stir, rolling initiative and joining the fray on their turns. Use the statblock below for the **gargoyles**, rather than the one in the _Monster Manual_, but increase each gargoyle’s hit points to 45 instead of 37.
Ludmilla always uses her bonus action to cast *darkness* on her first turn in combat. If the spell isn’t countered and the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind* is visible, she then immediately uses her *misty step* reaction to teleport into the darkness, hiding ten feet above the player bearing the symbol. Ludmilla then uses her action to attempt to take the symbol from the player’s person. (If the symbol isn't visible, Ludmilla immediately retreats to the chapel as described below, hoping to have the gargoyles weaken the players before entering combat herself.)
If Ludmilla isn’t hidden from the target, her attempt to take the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind* automatically fails. Otherwise, the symbol’s wielder must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw to prevent Ludmilla from removing it.
Whether Ludmilla successfully steals the symbol or not, she then retreats up <span class="citation">K19. Grand Landing (p. 58)</span> and releases concentration on her *darkness* spell before taunting the players with an invitation to "come take it back." She then crosses <span class="citation">K25. Audience Hall (p. 61)</span> into <span class="citation">K26. Guards’ Post (p. 61)</span>, and passes through <span class="citation">K27. King’s Hall (p. 61)</span> onto <span class="citation">K28. King’s Balcony (p. 62)</span> before descending into <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>. (Following her encounter with the players at Yester Hill, Ludmilla is happy to allow the **gargoyles** in the Great Entry to dispatch or weaken them before confronting them herself.)
> [!warning]+ **Opportunity Attacks in Darkness**
> Because creatures can take opportunity attacks only against targets they can see, a character blinded by Ludmilla’s *darkness* can’t make opportunity attacks against her while she’s attempting to steal the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind*.
> [!abstract]+ **Keys to the Dungeons**
> If the players killed Volenta in [[Arc D - St. Andral's Feast]], Ludmilla holds a ring of keys to all of the cells in the dungeons, as well as the key to Emil’s *silverthorn collar*.
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Ludmilla Vilisevic, Elementalist</h2>
<em>Medium undead, neutral evil</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 15<br>
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 120 (16d8 + 48)<br>
<strong>Speed</strong> 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>18 (+4)</td>
<td>10 (+0)</td>
<td>12 (+1)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +6, Int +7, Wis +3<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Arcana +7, Perception +3, Stealth +6<br>
<strong>Damage Resistances</strong> necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> passive Perception 13<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 8<br>
<strong>Proficiency Bonus</strong> +3
<p><strong><em>Devil’s Sight.</em></strong> Ludmilla can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.</p>
<p><strong><em>Regeneration.</em></strong> Ludmilla regains 10 hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If she takes radiant damage (which includes damage from holy water), this trait doesn't function at the start of her next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Spider Climb.</em></strong> Ludmilla can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.</p>
<p><strong><em>Sunlight Hypersensitivity.</em></strong> While in sunlight, Ludmilla takes 20 radiant damage at the start of her turn, and she has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Form of Mist.</em></strong> When Ludmilla is reduced to 0 hit points, her statistics are instantly replaced by the statistics of her Mistfiend form. Her initiative count doesn't change. Excess damage doesn't carry over to her new form, but she retains any conditions she had in her previous form.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Ludmilla makes two Shocking Grasp attacks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Shocking Grasp.</em></strong> <em>Melee Spell Attack:</em> +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 9 (2d8) lightning damage. On a hit, the target can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Lightning Lance.</em></strong> A bolt of lightning arcs toward a creature of Ludmilla’s choice that she can see within 30 feet. Two bolts then leap from that creature to as many as two other creatures, each of which must be within 10 feet of the first creature. (A creature can be targeted by only one of the bolts.) Each creature must make a <span class="highlight">DC 15 Dexterity saving throw</span>, taking 9 (2d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success.</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Shroud of Shadows (1/day).</em></strong> Ludmilla summons a shroud of shadows around her, which lasts for 8 hours or until she dismisses it as a bonus action. While the shroud remains, she gains a flying speed of 50 feet (hover) and has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by magical and nonmagical melee weapon attacks. If Ludmilla resists damage in this way, the attacker takes the same amount and type of damage dealt.<br> The first time Ludmilla takes radiant damage or damage from holy water while the shroud is present, the shroud weakens, reducing her flying speed to 25 feet and causing her to fall 20 feet. The second time Ludmilla takes radiant damage or damage from holy water while the shroud is present, the shroud immediately vanishes.</p>
<p><strong><em>Duplicate.</em></strong> Ludmilla creates a perfect, intangible illusion of herself that lasts until the start of her next turn. The illusion appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of her. Ludmilla can then magically switch places with the illusion. While the illusion remains, it perfectly mimics Ludmilla's actions, speech, and movement, though it cannot attack. A player can make a <span class="highlight">DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check</span> (no action required) to determine which Ludmilla is illusory. The illusion vanishes if it takes any damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Freezing Ray.</em></strong> <em>Ranged Spell Attack:</em> +7 to hit, range 120 ft., three creatures. <em>Hit:</em> 7 (2d6) cold damage per ray.</p>
<p><strong><em>Darkness (1/day).</em></strong> Ludmilla casts <em>darkness</em> with a radius of 40 feet.</p>
<p>Ludmilla can take up to three reactions per round, but only one per turn. If Ludmilla would lose her reactions and isn't incapacitated, she loses one reaction instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Misty Step.</em></strong> In response to taking damage or casting *darkness*, Ludmilla casts <em>misty step</em>. She can then immediately take the Hide action. If she’s flying, she has advantage on the check made to hide.</p>
<p><strong><em>Disrupt Spell (3/day).</em></strong> 3rd-level spell, range 60 feet, components S, instantaneous. <em>Effect:</em> Ludmilla attempts to disrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, it must make a <span class="highlight">DC 15 saving throw</span> using its spellcasting ability. On a failure, the creature's spell fails and has no effect.</p>
<p><strong><em>Mage's Reprisal.</em></strong> In response to being missed by a spell attack or succeeding on a saving throw against a spell, Ludmilla can immediately force the caster to succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) force damage.</p>
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Ludmilla Vilisevic, Mistfiend</h2>
<em>Medium undead, neutral evil</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 15<br>
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 120 (16d8 + 48)<br>
<strong>Speed</strong> 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
<table class="ability-table">
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>18 (+4)</td>
<td>10 (+0)</td>
<td>12 (+1)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +6, Int +7, Wis +3<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Arcana +7, Perception +3, Stealth +6<br>
<strong>Damage Vulnerabilities</strong> cold, lightning<br>
<strong>Damage Resistances</strong> necrotic<br>
<strong>Damage Immunities</strong> bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks<br>
<strong>Condition Immunities</strong> grappled, prone, restrained<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> passive Perception 13<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> —<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 8 (3,900 XP)<br>
<strong>Proficiency Bonus</strong> +3
<p><strong><em>Regeneration.</em></strong> Ludmilla regains 10 hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If she takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of her next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Spider Climb.</em></strong> Ludmilla can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.</p>
<p><strong><em>Sunlight Hypersensitivity.</em></strong> While in sunlight, Ludmilla takes 20 radiant damage at the start of her turn, and she has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Cold Sensitivity.</em></strong> When Ludmilla takes cold damage, she freezes into a corporeal form until the start of her next turn. While frozen in this way, she loses the attributes of her Mistform feature, loses her immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, gains vulnerability to bludgeoning and thunder damage, loses her immunity to the grappled, prone, and restrained conditions, and loses her fly speed.</p>
<p><strong><em>Mistsight.</em></strong> While within fog, Ludmilla has blindsight that extends to the edge of the fog, out to a maximum of 60 feet.
<p><strong><em>Mistform.</em></strong> Ludmilla can enter and occupy the space of another creature, and can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, though it treats liquids as though they were solid surfaces. She can't fall, and remains hovering in the air even when stunned or otherwise incapacitated. However, while making a melee attack or grappling a target, Ludmilla loses these attributes, as well as her immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons and loses her immunity to the grappled, prone, and restrained conditions.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Ludmilla makes two attacks with her claws. She can replace one attack with a mist shards or bite attack.</p>
<p><strong><em>Claws.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) necrotic damage. Instead of dealing the slashing damage, Ludmilla can grapple the target (escape DC 14).</p>
<p><strong><em>Mist Shards.</em></strong> <em>Ranged Weapon Attack:</em> +6 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Bite.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Ludmilla regains hit points equal to that amount. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. Each time the target finishes a long rest without being bitten again, it can roll one of its hit dice and add its Constitution modifier. The target’s maximum hit points increase by an amount equal to the result. (This increase can’t raise the target’s hit points above its original maximum.)</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Dissipate.</em></strong> If Ludmilla is heavily obscured by mist or fog, she takes the Hide action.
<p><strong><em>Asphyxiate.</em></strong> One creature within 30 feet must make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Constitution saving throw</span>. On a failure, the target's head is surrounded by a vacuum of air for 1 minute, or while Ludmilla maintains her concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). While surrounded by this vacuum, the target is deafened, can't speak, can't breathe (but can hold its breath), and has a number of levels of exhaustion equal to three minus the number of minutes of air it has left (minimum 0). In addition, a target surrounded by this vacuum must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns or lose 1 minute of air on a failure.<br> The target loses all levels of exhaustion gained in this way if it falls unconscious or the vacuum disappears. The vacuum disappears if Ludmilla takes the Hide action or if the target is ever behind full cover or more than 30 feet away from her.</p>
<p>Ludmilla can take up to three reactions per round, but only one per turn. If Ludmilla would lose her reactions and isn't incapacitated, she loses one reaction instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Fog Cloud.</em></strong> In response to taking damage, Ludmilla casts <em>fog cloud</em> without concentration.
<p><strong><em>Poison Mist.</em></strong> In response to taking damage from a creature within 5 feet, Ludmilla forces that creature to succeed on a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Constitution saving throw</span> or take 7 (2d6) poison damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Ambush.</em></strong> In response to hearing or seeing a creature move within 30 feet while she's hidden, Ludmilla moves up to her speed toward it and attacks it with her claws.</p>
<span class="credit">"Ludmilla in her second phase" by Caleb Cleveland. Support him on <a href="https://patreon.com/calebisdrawing/">Patreon!</a></span>
<div class="statblock">
<em>Medium Elemental, Chaotic Evil</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 15 (natural armor)
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 37 (5d8 + 15)
<strong>Speed</strong> 15 ft., fly 30 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td data-label="STR">16 (+3)</td>
<td data-label="DEX">8 (-1)</td>
<td data-label="CON">16 (+3)</td>
<td data-label="INT">6 (-2)</td>
<td data-label="WIS">11 (+0)</td>
<td data-label="CHA">7 (-2)</td>
<strong>Damage Resistances</strong> piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine<br>
<strong>Damage Vulnerabilities</strong> thunder<br>
<strong>Damage Immunities</strong> poison<br>
<strong>Condition Immunities</strong> exhaustion, petrified, poisoned<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Terran<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 2<br>
<strong>Proficiency Bonus.</strong> +2<br>
<p><strong><em>False Appearance.</em></strong> While the gargoyle remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an inanimate statue.</p>
<p><strong><em>Hot Shift.</em></strong> If the gargoyle takes fire damage, it glows with heat until the end of its next turn. While glowing, its <strong><em>claws</em></strong> deal an additional 1d4 fire damage on a hit. While glowing, the gargoyle gains vulnerability to cold damage and immediately stops glowing if dealt cold damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Cold Shift.</em></strong> If the gargoyle takes cold damage, it ices with frost until the end of its next turn. While iced, its <strong><em>claws</em></strong> deal an additional 1d4 cold damage on a hit. While iced, the gargoyle gains vulnerability to fire damage and its ice vanishes if dealt fire damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Stone Body.</em></strong> If the gargoyle takes cold damage while glowing, fire damage while iced, bludgeoning damage from a critical hit, or damage from the <em>shatter</em> spell or similar magic, the gargoyle's wings snap off, causing it to lose its fly speed.</p>
<p><strong><em>Grappler.</em></strong> The gargoyle has advantage on attack rolls made against a creature it has grappled.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> The gargoyle makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.</p>
<p><strong><em>Bite.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Claws.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Instead of dealing damage, the gargoyle can grapple the target (escape DC 13).</p>
> [!info]+ **Ascending the Landing**
> Players who ascend <span class="citation">K19. Grand Landing (p. 58)</span> reach [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#Audience Hall|Audience Hall]].
> [!info]+ **South Tower Stair**
> ***B2F.*** Players who descend two flights of stairs down <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the castle commons and enter [[#P11. Dungeons]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P11a. Dungeon Hall|Dungeon Hall]].
> ***B1F.*** Players who descend one flight of stairs down <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the castle commons and enter [[#P5. Servants’ Wing]] via [[#Elevator Hall]].
> ***3F.*** Players who ascend two flights of stairs up <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the castle commons and enter [[#P6. King’s Apartments]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#King’s Antechamber|King's Antechamber]].
> ***4F.*** Players who ascend three flights of stairs up <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the castle commons and enter [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P8. Guest Suite|Guest Suite]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P8a. Guest Landing|Guest Landing]].
### Dining Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K10.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K10. Dining Hall (p. 56)</span>. However, there is no illusion of Strahd sitting at the organ. In addition, revise the area’s description to read as follows:
<div class="description">
<p>Three enormous crystal chandeliers brilliantly illuminate this magnificent chamber. Pillars of stone stand against dull white marble walls, supporting the ceiling. In the center of the room, a long, heavy table is covered with a fine white satin cloth. At the center of the far west wall, between floor-to-ceiling mirrors, stands a massive organ, its once-thunderous pipes now plunged into a deep, unsettling silence.</p>
<p>No food stands upon the table. Instead, a woman’s corpse lies limply across its surface.</p>
The woman’s corpse is an illusion created by the *major image* spell, and resembles a nondescript Barovian woman in her twenties. If the players touch it or interact with it in any way, it vanishes. The events described in <span class="citation">K10. Dining Hall (p. 56)</span> following the illusion’s disappearance then occur, including the “fierce, bone-chilling wind," then occur. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>A fierce, bone-chilling wind rises up and roars through the hall, extinguishing every open flame and plunging the majestic hall into darkness. Ancient hinges screech, and the air is briefly filled with the sounds of many heavy doors slamming shut, one after another, into the distance.</p>
> [!info]+ **Behind the Organ**
> Players who enter the secret door behind the organ exit the castle commons and enter [[#P10. Garrison]] via [[#First Floor South Archers’ Post]].
### Hall of Faith
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K14.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K14. Hall of Faith (p. 57)</span>.
### Chapel
#### Nave & Chancel
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K15, K16, and K17.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>, <span class="citation">K16. North Chapel Access (p. 58)</span>, and <span class="citation">K17. South Chapel Access (p. 58)</span>. However, remove the last two sentences from the description of <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>.
Additionally, if the players encountered Ludmilla in [[#Main Foyer]], add the following sentence to the end of the chapel's description:
<div class="description">
<p>A thin cloud of fog shrouds the chapel floor.</p>
If Ludmilla successfully stole the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind*, it is hanging from a broken window pane behind the altar, thirty feet above the floor.
Ludmilla has cast *gaseous form* and concealed herself at a random point within the cloud of fog. She reveals her true form and attacks the players shortly after they enter <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>. Too proud to retreat—and cognizant of Strahd’s displeasure should she fail again—she fights to the death.
> [!warning]+ **Ezmerelda's *Holy Water***
> Don't forget Ezmerelda's six *vials of holy water*, which she freely offers to the players as-needed to weaken Ludmilla's ***shroud of shadows***.
> [!info]+ **The High Tower**
> Players who ascend the high tower staircase reach the high tower peak, which is largely as described in <span class="citation">K59. High Tower Peak (p. 73)</span>, except Pidlwick II cannot be found there.
> Players who descend the high tower staircase are obstructed by the masonry wall described in <span class="citation">K18. High Tower Staircase (p. 58)</span>. Players who bypass the wall and continue to descend exit the castle commons and enter [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P12. Catacombs|Castle Crypts]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P12. Catacombs|P12. Catacombs]].
#### Chapel Stairs
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K29.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K29. Creaky Landing (p. 62)</span>.
#### Chapel Balcony
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K28.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K28. King’s Balcony (p. 62)</span>. However, remove the two **Strahd zombies**.
Additionally, if the players encountered Ludmilla in [[#Main Foyer]], add the following sentence to the end of this area's description:
<div class="description">
<p>A thin cloud of fog shrouds the chapel floor below.</p>
If Ludmilla successfully stole the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind*, it is hanging from a broken window pane behind the altar, thirty feet above the floor.
Ludmilla has cast *gaseous form* and concealed herself at a random point within the cloud of fog. She reveals her true form and attacks the players shortly after they descend into <span class="citation">K15. Chapel (p. 57)</span>, or if they somehow manage to retrieve the *Holy Symbol* from atop the balcony. Too proud to retreat—and cognizant of Strahd’s displeasure should she fail again—she fights to the death.
## P4b. Castle Commons, Second Floor
### Audience Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K25.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K25. Audience Hall (p. 61)</span>. However, if Ludmilla has passed through here, the doors leading to <span class="citation">K27. King’s Hall (p. 62)</span> are slightly ajar.
> [!info]+ **Secret Door**
> Players who find and enter the secret door behind the throne exit the castle commons and enter [[#P10. Garrison]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#Second Floor South Archers’ Post Access Hall|Second Floor South Archers’ Post Access Hall]].
### Accountant’s Office
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K30.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K30. King’s Accountant (p. 62)</span>. However, Lief Lipsiege is a lawful neutral **wight** with no attacks. When the players first approach, notice, or interact with him, read:
<div class="description">
<p>The corpselike figure atop the stool is—or once was—an elderly man, clad in a high-collared, once-crisp white shirt, a deep brown vest, and a light pink ascot, all of which have grown faded and rotted with the ravages of age. His thinning, white-haired combover is neatly parted over his pallid, wrinkled forehead, and his gaunt, ash-gray face is framed by an impressively thick pair of mutton chops. His near-skeletal hands tremble slightly as he scribbles along a crumbling parchment scroll, his gray eyes never once flickering in your direction.</p>
> [!lore]+ **Lief Lipsiege**
> When Khazan first became Strahd’s arcane advisor four centuries ago, Strahd already had the additional services of Lief Lipsiege, an elderly master accountant wholly dedicated to his work. Unwilling to lose Lief’s services when he died, Strahd—after promising Lief his salary would continue to fund his siblings and their descendants—worked with Khazan to transform Lief into a **wight**, thereby allowing Lief to continue his life’s work even into undeath. Since then, Lief has obediently served as Strahd’s accountant, though his mind has grown scattered and his memory full of holes over the many years since his death.
<span class="credit">"Lief Lipsiege" by Caleb Cleveland. Support him on <a href="https://patreon.com/calebisdrawing/">Patreon!</a></span>
Lief is not chained to his wooden desk. However, he won’t leave the room voluntarily under any circumstances.
If treated with kindness and allowed to ramble regarding Strahd’s assorted riches, conquests, and tax assessments, Lief eventually (and accidentally) mentions the location of <span class="citation">K41. Treasury (p. 67)</span>, rather than that of the *Holy Symbol of Ravenkind*. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>"If only Count Strahd would let me properly tabulate the items he’s added to the old treasury over the years," Lief grumbles. “Too many trinkets and baubles, all layered in dust. No ledger entries, no tallies, and he expects the numbers to match!" The old wight scratches his chin, grunting. “At least the old girl keeps an eye on them, bless her heart. A dreadful business when she was alive, though. A right shame."</p>
Lief then continues to ramble. If stopped and further questioned regarding “the old girl" he mentioned, Lief pauses to remember, then recalls aloud that she was “the red-haired woman." If Ireena is present, he jabs a withered finger in her direction and adds, “Like her." (Though he doesn’t remember her name or what happened to her, Lief is referring to the portrait of Tatyana Federovna.)
If asked how to access the “old treasury," Lief is willing to help the players only if they first promise to fully tabulate and log the items found therein, and to avoid taking any for themselves. (“Count Strahd always finds out," he wheezes, wagging a bony finger at them.) Players who intend to steal from the treasury can convince Lief of their good faith by succeeding on a DC 12 Charisma (Deception) check. If they do, Lief abashedly admits that he doesn’t recall the proper way to enter, but does remember that it involved “poking" something in the third-floor study. (Lief doesn’t remember it, but he’s referring to the poker mechanism by the fireplace in <span class="citation">K37. Study (p. 66)</span>.
### King’s Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K27.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K27. King’s Hall (p. 62)</span>, including the <span class="citation">Flight of the Vampire (p. 61)</span> event. However, this room now contains the tapestry described in <span class="citation">K83a. Spiral Stair Landing (p. 85)</span>. Add the description of that tapestry to the end of this area’s description.
A player can find the secret door described in <span class="citation">K27. King’s Hall (p. 61)</span> behind the tapestry of King Barov and his army. The secret door can be found as described in <span class="citation">The Lands of Barovia: Common Features (p. 33)</span>, or by spending 1 minute searching the wall for hidden doors.
> [!info]+ **Shaft Door**
> Players who find and enter the secret door behind the tapestry exit the castle commons and enter [[#P5. Servants’ Wing]] via [[#Second-Floor Elevator Access]].
# P5. Servants’ Wing
This area of the castle, including the servants’ entrance, the servants’ quarters on the first and second floor, the castle elevator shaft, and the servants’ hall, wine cellar, and kitchen in the basement, once served as the main hub of servant activity in the castle. From here, Rahadin or the castle butler oversaw castle operations or dispatched servants to the far corners of the keep, including the royal apartments, the guest suite, or the guards’ garrison.
## P5a. Servants’ Wing, First Floor
### Servants’ Entrance
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K23.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K23. Servants’ Entrance (p. 59)</span>. However, add the following to the end of this area’s description:
<div class="description">
<p>A withered corpse lies slumped against the table, unmoving. A dried trail of blood leads from it to the steps leading down.</p>
Four puncture wounds disfigure the corpse’s neck. A player who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check learns that the corpse has been exsanguinated. (The corpse was left here by the two **vampire spawn** lurking in the [[#Wine Cellar]].)
### Servants’ Quarters
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K24.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K24. Servants’ Quarters (p. 61)</span>.
## P5b. Servants’ Wing, Second Floor
### Servants’ Upper Floor
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K34.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K34. Servants’ Upper Floor (p. 64)</span>.
> [!info]+ **North Tower Secret Door**
> Players who find and pass through the secret door here exit the servants’ wing and enter [[#P10. Garrison]] via [[#Servants’ Landing]].
### Second-Floor Elevator Access
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K31 and K31a.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K31. Trapworks (p. 63)</span> and <span class="citation">K31a. Elevator Shaft (p. 63)</span>.
> [!lore]+ **The Elevator**
> The elevator trap was once a proper elevator, designed by the genius toymaker Fritz von Weerg. In its heyday, servants used it to reach the [[#King’s Hall]] (for access to the [[#Audience Hall]] and [[#Chapel Balcony]]), [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P7b. Belfry Access Hall|Belfry Access Hall]] (to ring the bell to mark meals, mornings, emergencies, and other occasions), and [[#P8. Guest Suite]] (to deliver meals to visiting guests and dignitaries). After he became a vampire, however, Strahd turned the elevator into a trap for thieves and vampire hunters.
> A player who inspects the machinery here and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check discerns that the elevator has been reconfigured to be activated by a trigger mechanism elsewhere in the castle. A player who subsequently succeeds on a DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves or Tinkers’ Tools) check can manually activate the elevator mechanism, causing the elevator to rise or descend to any accessible floor. (A player who activates the elevator in this way before entering it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to enter the elevator before it departs.)
> [!info]+ **Second-Floor Shaft Access**
> Players who find and pass through the secret door exit the servants’ wing and enter [[#P4. Castle Commons]] via [[#King’s Hall]].
## P5c. Servants’ Wing, Third Floor
### Third-Floor Elevator Access
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K31b.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K31b. Shaft Access (p. 64)</span>.
> [!info]+ **Third-Floor Shaft Access**
> Players who find and pass through the secret door exit the servants’ wing and enter [[#P7. Bell Tower]] via [[#P7b. Belfry Access Hall]].
## P5d. Servants’ Wing, Basement Floor
### Servants’ Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K62.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K62. (p. 76)</span>. However, revise this area's description as follows:
<div class="description">
<p>Heavy beams support the sagging, ten-foot-high ceiling of this long hall, its mortared walls illuminated by flickering torchlight. Fog clings to the floor, obscuring everything that lies less than three feet above it.</p>
<p> At the left end of the hall stands a pair of wooden doors, their heavy planks banded with steel. At the right end stands a raised metal portcullis, beyond which lies a dark wine cellar. Three doors stand along the opposite wall beside a dark, ascending staircase. The middle door is open, flickering crimson light spilling forth onto the cold stone floor beside it.</p>
<p>A giant shadow lurches across the ceiling as a dark figure shuffles purposefully down the corridor toward you.</p>
The figure is Cyrus, as described in <span class="citation">K62. Servants’ Hall (p. 76)</span>. However, Cyrus does not try to escort the players to the guest suite, nor does he know of the elevator trap.
> [!profile]+ **Profile: Cyrus Belview**
> **Roleplaying Information**
> ***Resonance.*** Cyrus should inspire endearment for his sincere efforts to make himself useful despite his physical handicaps and poor memory, amusement for his grumpiness and bizarrely opinionated (and occasionally conspiratorial) rants, and discomfort with his inability to appreciate the boundaries of personal space.
> ***Emotions.*** Cyrus most often feels curious, intrigued, determined, agitated, impatient, or skeptical.
> ***Inspirations.*** When playing Cyrus, channel Ebenezar Scrooge (*A Christmas Carol*), Grandpa Simpson (*The Simpsons*), and Grand Maester Pycelle (*Game of Thrones*).
> **Character Information**
> ***Persona.*** To the world, Cyrus is a doddering old butler with an affinity for conspiratorial rants. To those he trusts—and in his moments of lucidity—Cyrus is a sad old man who has long since resigned himself to the belief that his family is forever damned for their ancestors’ sins.
> ***Morale.*** In a fight, Cyrus would cower in a corner, brandishing any nearby object as an impromptu weapon but immediately surrendering if actually wounded.
> ***Relationships.*** Cyrus is the former patriarch of the Belview family and the butler of Castle Ravenloft.
#### A Favor for Cyrus
If Cyrus already encountered any players the [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]], he greets them with a wary familiarity and murmurs that “the Master will not be pleased if he finds uninvited guests mucking about, oh no." If he has not, he shrieks, falls to his knees, and pleads for the “nice, kind burglars to spare old Cyrus."
In either case, once Cyrus has confirmed that the players are no danger to him, he suspiciously asks to know their business in the castle, then immediately insists that they not tell him. “Plausible deniability; that’s what my grandmammy always told me," he grunts. “Tell me no truths, and I won’t tell no one no lies."
If the players seem friendly, Cyrus asks them to retrieve his “favorite cooking spoon" from the old garrison (see [[#P10. Garrison]]). “Saw one of those shamblers grab it, then vanish through those doors," he says, pointing to the doors to <span class="citation">K67. Hall of Bones (p. 78).</span>. (The “shambler" Cyrus is referring to is a **zombie**. Cyrus has seen numerous zombies wandering the lower halls recently, and is too frightened of them to enter the garrison himself.) In exchange for this favor, Cyrus promises to draw the players a rough map of the castle once his spoon is returned to him.
> [!info]+ **Cyrus’s Map**
> If the players retrieve his favorite cooking spoon, Cyrus can draw them a simple boxes-and-lines map with the following details:
> * The players are in the **Servants’ Wing**, which connects to (1) the **Garrison** via the **Hall of Bones**, and (2) the **Main Entry** via the **South Tower Stair**. (Cyrus doesn’t know what lies in the **Garrison**. He knows only that the **Main Entry** leads to the **Chapel**, the **Audience Hall**, and the **Dining Hall**.)
> * The **South Tower Stair** leads to the top of the castle, passing the **Main Entry** on the first floor, the **Accountant’s Office** on the second floor, the **Royal Apartments** on the third floor, the **Guest Suite** on the fourth floor, and the **Witches’ Coven** on the fifth floor. The **South Tower Stair** also descends to the **Dungeons** below. (Cyrus doesn’t know what lies in or beyond any of these areas.)
Whether the players accept his quest or not, Cyrus then returns to the kitchen, whereupon he begins loudly announcing that he “hasn’t seen no burglars around here, not at all." (Any players who peer after Cyrus into the kitchen observe that he is speaking to the three **zombies** in the boiling cookpot.)
> [!abstract]+ **Talking to Cyrus**
> If the players ask Cyrus about his life at Castle Ravenloft or the Abbot’s “perfection" and mention Clovin, Otto, and Zygfrek Belview’s curiosity, Cyrus is initially reluctant to interrupt his cooking efforts to reply to them. If the players continue to press him for a response, however, and succeed on a DC 5 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Cyrus pauses, sighs, and shakes his head before replying, “They’re good lads. Tell them I’m well and thriving."
> If asked, Cyrus can share the following information:
> * More than a century ago, the Belview family came to the Abbey of Saint Markovia seeking transformation. The Abbot granted their wish, bestowing upon them the attributes of animals—a blessing which soon revealed itself to be a curse.
> * The Abbot, however, did not act alone. He gave the Belviews their bestial traits with the benefit of knowledge furnished by Strahd von Zarovich. While the Belviews have long sought the “perfection" of their forms, Cyrus believes that true salvation will only come once his family has returned to their true, human nature.
> * To this end, Cyrus agreed to work for Strahd as a butler at Castle Ravenloft at the Abbot’s recommendation. Strahd has promised him that, should Cyrus restore the castle to its former glory and maintain that restoration for a period of ten years, he will furnish Cyrus with the knowledge necessary to restore his family to their original forms—curing them of their infirmities and madness forever.
#### The Ravenous Spawn
The first time any player approaches the doors to <span class="citation">K67. Hall of Bones (p. 78)</span> or <span class="citation">K61. Elevator Trap (p. 74)</span>, the door leading to <span class="citation">K61. Elevator Trap (p. 74)</span> opens. An *unseen servant* carrying a crystal dinner bell then emerges from beyond the door, acting as described in <span class="citation">Unseen Servant (p. 51)</span>.
When the dinner bell rings, the two **vampire spawn** lurking in [[#Kitchen]] and [[#Butler’s Quarters]] quietly scuttle across the 10-foot ceiling, attacking from above the following round. Players with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or below are surprised when the vampires attack.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Ravenous Spawn**
> This combat encounter is a **mild** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 7% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller, modify the encounter as follows:
> **Three Players**. Reduce the number of vampire spawn to one.
The vampires prefer to target easy prey, including unarmored or surprised characters. Once a vampire has successfully grappled a target with its ***claws***, it attempts to drag its prey away to a quiet place for feeding as follows:
* If the elevator trap has already been activated, each vampire attempts to drag its victim back into [[#Kitchen]] or [[#Butler’s Quarters]], respectively, then feeding on it with its ***bite*** unless cornered.
* Otherwise, one vampire uses its Dash to drag its victim into the [[#Elevator Hall]], then stops to feed with its ***bite*** while standing on the south side of the elevator trap. (See [[#Elevator Hall]] for more information on activating the elevator trap.) The other vampire attempts to drag its victim into [[#Wine Cellar]], using its action each turn to feed with its ***bite*** unless cornered.
> [!info]+ **Through the Double Doors**
> Players who depart through the double doors here exit the servants’ wing and enter [[#P10. Garrison]] via [[#Hall of Bones]].
### Elevator Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K61.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K61. Elevator Trap (p. 74)</span>. However, the elevator trap triggers whenever three or more Small- and/or Medium-sized creatures are standing on its pressure plate (e.g., a **vampire spawn**, its victim, and any other creature).
> [!info]+ **Sleeping Gas**
> Because vampire spawn have no need to breathe, as described in <span class="citation">Vampire (Monster Manual, p. 297)</span>, they are unaffected by the sleep gas that fills the elevator compartment as it rises.
> Note that, as described in <span class="citation">K61. Elevator Trap (p. 74)</span>, a creature that falls unconscious due to the sleeping gas can be awoken as described in the *sleep* spell.
> [!info]+ **Chasing the Elevator**
> A player ascending the stairs from the elevator hall to the elevator's destination at [[#P8a. Guest Landing]] must traverse 170 feet of stairs, which constitute difficult terrain.
> [!abstract]+ **Escher's Intervention**
> If a vampire spawn successfully lures one or more players into the elevator trap and knocks all of them unconscious, it attempts to drag its prey out of the elevator trap upon arriving at [[#P8a. Guest Landing]]. When it does so, it is confronted by Escher, who commands it to leave its victims and depart. Escher then brings any unconscious characters into <span class="citation">K49. Lounge (p. 70)</span>, where he drapes them across any available couches or chairs.
> Escher isn't entirely sure why he's doing this, but feels a mild sense of obligation to the players for keeping Ireena safe. If the players ask him to explain himself, he merely sneers and claims that it would be "unsightly" for them to bleed out all over the guest landing carpet.
### Wine Cellar
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K63.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K63. Wine Cellar (p. 77)</span>.
### Kitchen
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K65.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K65. Kitchen (p. 78)</span>. However, a hungry **vampire spawn** lurks hidden in the shadowed corners of the ceiling. A player with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher notices a silhouette stirring above one of the shelves.
The vampire attacks if noticed, or if any player enters this area alone.
### Butler’s Quarters
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K66.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K66. Butler’s Quarters (p. 78)</span>. However, a hungry **vampire spawn** lurks hidden in the shadowed corners of the ceiling. A player with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher notices a silhouette stirring in the southwest corner.
The vampire attacks if noticed, or if any player enters this area alone.
# P6. King’s Apartments
This area of the castle once hosted Strahd’s private apartments on the third floor, as well as the sleeping quarters of the members of his court on the floor immediately below. The apartments are connected to the North Tower (<span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span> for ease of access by servants ascending from the servants’ quarters, as well as <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> for easy access to the castle commons, including Strahd’s audience hall and the main dining hall.
## P6a. King’s Apartments, Second Floor
### King’s Apartment Stair
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K33.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K33. King’s Apartment Stair (p. 64)</span>.
### Court’s Bedchamber
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K32.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K32. Maid in Hell (p. 64)</span>. However, replace Helga with a **broom of animated attack**. The broom is largely as described in <span class="citation">Broom of Animated Attack (p. 50)</span>, except it’s wearing Helga’s necklace wrapped around its wooden shaft. The broom attacks if a player attempts to remove the necklace or otherwise interfere with its cleaning.
> [!lore]+ **The Witches’ Broom**
> The broom belongs to the witches’ coven that resides in [[#P9. Coven’s Quarters]], whose members affectionately refer to the broom as their “pet."
> [!lore]+ **Historic Inhabitants**
> This room once served as the living quarters for the members of Strahd’s court, including castle fool Sir Jarnwald the Trickster (entombed in <span class="citation">Crypt 35, p. 92</span>, court wizard Gralmore Nimblenobs (entombed in <span class="citation">Crypt 37, p. 92</span>), and castle chaplain Tasha Petrovna (entombed in <span class="citation">Crypt 11, p. 87)</span>).
## P6b. King’s Apartments, Third Floor
### King’s Antechamber
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K35.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K35. Guardian Vermin (p. 64)</span>. However, seven **crawling claws** emerge from the alcoves behind the **swarms of rats** on the first round of combat as described in <span class="citation">Crawling Claws (p. 50)</span>.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Guardian Vermin**
> This combat encounter is a **mild** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 3% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of swarms of rats to three.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of crawling claws to five.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of swarms of rats to five.
> [!info]+ **South Tower Stair**
> ***B2F.*** Players who descend four flights of stairs down <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the king’s apartments and enter [[#P11. Dungeons]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P11a. Dungeon Hall|Dungeon Hall]].
> ***B1F.*** Players who descend three flights of stairs down <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the king’s apartments and enter [[#P5. Servants’ Wing]] via [[#Elevator Hall]].
> ***1F.*** Players who descend two flights of stairs down <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the king’s apartments and enter [[#P4. Castle Commons]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#Main Entrance|Main Entrance]].
> ***2F.*** Players who descend one flight of stairs down <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the king’s apartments and enter [[#P4. Castle Commons]] via [[#Accountant’s Office]].
> ***4F.*** Players who ascend one flight of stairs up <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stair (p. 59)</span> exit the king’s apartments and enter [[#P8. Guest Suite]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P8a. Guest Landing|Guest Landing]].
### King’s Dining Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K36.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K36. (p. 65)</span>. However, nothing happens if the players take the groom figurine from the cake, and Pidlwick’s ghost doesn’t appear if a player plays the harp. In addition, the doors leading to <span class="citation">K37. Study (p. 66)</span> and <span class="citation">K43. Bath Chamber (p. 68)</span> are locked as described in <span class="citation">The Lands of Barovia: Common Features (p. 33)</span>.
### Study
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K37.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K37. Study (p. 66)</span>. However, the doors leading to <span class="citation">K36. Dining Hall of the Count (p. 65)</span>, <span class="citation">K45. Hall of Heroes (p. 68)</span>, and <span class="citation">K83. Spiral Stair (p. 85)</span> are locked as described in <span class="citation">The Lands of Barovia: Common Features (p. 33)</span>.
In addition, a player who inspects the portrait of Tatyana notices that she is wearing a silver bracelet carved with an intricate pattern of the moon and stars, with a moonstone gem embedded at the center of the moon and multiple lapis-lazuli serving as the stars. A player who has previously seen Ireena’s bracelet in [[Act I - Into the Mists/Arc B - Welcome to Barovia#B5j. Lugdana's Knoll|Arc B - Welcome to Barovia]] recognizes it as the same bracelet.
If present, Ireena is disturbed at the sight of the portrait and its clear resemblance to her, and voices her disbelief and discomfort at the thought that Strahd would commission a portrait of her. A player who succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check discerns that the portrait is centuries old. If informed of this fact, Ireena’s discomfort lessens, though she becomes stressed and disturbed at the prospect of this strange woman’s resemblance to her—especially if the players suggest she might be this woman’s reincarnation.
> [!info]+ **Exiting the Study**
> A player who departs the study via <span class="citation">K83. Spiral Stair (p. 85)</span> exits the king’s apartments, passes through <span class="citation">K83a. Spiral Stair Landing (p. 85)</span>, and enters the [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P11. Dungeons|Dungeons]] via [[#P11e. Brazier Room]].
> The spiral stair landing is largely as described in <span class="citation">K83a. Spiral Stair Landing (p. 85)</span>, but the tapestry is no longer present.
### Bath Chamber & Closet
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K43 & K44.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K43. Bath Chamber (p. 68)</span> and <span class="citation">K44. Closet (p. 68)</span>. However, while the tub is stained with ancient blood, it does not currently contain any blood, and Varushka’s spirit doesn’t haunt it.
In addition, the closet contains only three capes, rather than twenty-eight.
### King’s Bedchamber
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K42.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K42. King’s Bedchamber (p. 68)</span>. However, remove the word “dainty" from the description of Gertruda’s slipper in this area’s description.
<span class="credit">"Gertruda" by Caleb Cleveland. Support him on <a href="https://patreon.com/calebisdrawing/">Patreon!</a></span>
> [!profile]+ **Profile: Gertruda**
> **Roleplaying Information**
> ***Resonance.*** Gertruda should inspire endearment for her idealism and pity for Escher, sympathy for her devotion to Doru and her mother, and flattery for her sincere gratitude to the players for rescuing her.
> ***Emotions.*** Gertruda most often feels curious, thoughtful, excited, or worried.
> ***Motivations.*** Gertruda wants to confirm Doru’s safety and return home safely to the village of Barovia.
> ***Inspirations.*** When playing Gertruda, channel Belle (*Beauty and the Beast*), Aang (*Avatar: the Last Airbender*), and Steven Universe (*Steven Universe*).
> **Character Information**
> ***Persona.*** To the world, Gertruda is an intelligent and determined young woman with a sunny disposition and a tendency to see the silver lining on every dark cloud—occasionally to her detriment.
> ***Morale.*** If attacked, or if Doru were threatened, Gertruda would immediately grab the nearest weapon and attempt to defend herself and her loved ones.
> ***Relationships.*** Gertruda is the daughter of Mad Mary, the betrothed of Doru, and a childhood friend of Ireena Kolyana.
#### Meeting Gertruda
Gertruda is surprised to see the players, and fearful that they’re “another one of the Devil’s tricks." Players who mention Sasha or Doru, or who succeed on a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check can reassure Gertruda that they’re real, and no servants of Strahd.
> [!info]+ **Gertruda’s Charm**
> Although she won’t divulge it while the charm lasts, Gertruda has been charmed by Strahd since she first arrived in the castle. It was at Strahd’s request that Gertruda asked Sasha to help her escape shortly before the players’ dinner at Ravenloft, and at Strahd’s direction that Gertruda “lost" her slipper on the stairs leading from [[#P11e. Brazier Room]]. (Strahd has instructed Gertruda to lie about both of these occasions, though a player who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check notices Gertruda stumbling over her words and briefly avoiding eye contact as she does.)
> If caught in a lie and confronted, Gertruda will continue to deny concealing the truth unless the players threaten to abandon her in Ravenloft. If this occurs, she reveals that Strahd instructed her to tell those lies to anyone who came to rescue her as a way to “make the game more authentic." (Gertruda isn’t sure what Strahd meant by his reference to a “game.")
> Gertruda’s charm expires at dawn. If still with the players, she then recounts—with a haunted, horrified realization—that Strahd kept her charmed since she first arrived at the castle, and that he instructed her to ask Sasha to help her “escape" Castle Ravenloft, suggesting that he orchestrated the entire event to unknown ends.
> [!abstract]+ **Doru’s Reunion**
> If Doru accompanied the players to Castle Ravenloft, Gertruda greets him with disbelief, then tearful joy. As she embraces him, Doru breaks into tears, apologizing for awakening Strahd and indirectly causing her imprisonment. “It’s all my fault," he sobs, his body trembling. “I’m a monster, both inside and out. I don’t—I don’t deserve you."
> If the players don’t intervene, Gertruda holds Doru tight, smoothing his hair across his head as she cries softly into his shoulder. “I heard what the Devil did to you," she whispers, “but you could never be a monster to me." She adds, “You came for me, didn’t you?"
If asked, Gertruda can share the following information:
* Just over two weeks ago, she set off down the Old Svalich Road to obtain supplies for Barovia from Vallaki. Fearful that her mother would object, and unwilling to trouble Ireena and Ismark so soon after their father’s death, she did so alone, slipping out of the house when her mother, Mary, wasn’t looking.
* Gertruda, however, never made it to Vallaki. As she made her way through the Svalich Woods, Strahd’s black carriage came upon her—and the Devil himself stepped out. Terrified, but unwilling to show fear, Gertruda politely demanded Strahd allow supplies to be delivered to Barovia so that the villagers could rebuild.
* Strahd appeared amused by Gertruda’s courage and invited her to Castle Ravenloft to “discuss reparations further." Realizing that this was an invitation she couldn’t refuse, Gertruda reluctantly agreed to accompany him.
* Since then, Gertruda has remained an “honored guest" in the castle, though it’s become clear that Strahd has no intention of allowing her to leave her chambers—much less the keep itself. She’s had few visitors aside from Sasha, whose company she’s been grateful for, and Volenta, whose company she fears. (Although Strahd hasn’t allowed any of his spawn to feed from Gertruda yet, Volenta has taken a sadistic pleasure in chatting about when that day will inevitably arrive.)
Gertruda is surprised that the players met with no resistance from Anastrasya Karelova, the **vampire spawn** that Strahd has assigned to guard her chambers. She informs the players fearfully that she and they must flee “before Anastrasya finds you here."
#### Anastrasya’s Confrontation
As the players first move to depart the bedchamber with Gertruda, **Anastrasya Karelova** enters the study from the door leading to the [[#Hall of Heroes]], flanked by two **wights**.
If the doors to the bedchamber are closed, read:
<div class="description">
<p>The doors to the east fling open, slamming against the wall.</p>
Otherwise, read:
<div class="description">
<p>The sound of marching bootsteps echo from the east—joined by the sound of heels clicking delicately against the floor.</p>
In either case, add:
<div class="description">
<p>A familiar, pale-skinned woman stands before you, wearing a striking, frilled red dress. The flickering firelight dances in the precious jewels sewn into her crimson head scarf, and the black opal pendant around her neck shimmers with a wicked, burning light. An elegant rapier hangs at her side.</p>
<p>Flanking her on either side stand grey-skinned, undead soldiers wearing tattered livery and rusted armor. Old, tarnished swords glint dangerously in their hands.</p>
Adjust the above text as needed if any players remain in the study at the time of Anastrasya's arrival.
Anastrasya is also secretly joined by two additional **wights**, which conceal themselves in the secret passage between <span class="citation">K42. King’s Bedchamber (p. 68)</span> and the western end of <span class="citation">K45. Hall of Heroes (p. 68)</span>.
If any doors leading from the study and bedchamber have been opened, Anastrasya telekinetically causes them to slam shut with a flick of her wrist upon entering.
Anastrasya greets the players warmly, but wonders aloud, with a wickedly “innocent" smile: “You must forgive my scattered thoughts, but I must have forgotten—did our dear Lord send you another invitation to visit with us tonight?" Whether the players deny receiving an invitation or falsely claim they received one, Anastrasya notes that she “surely does not recall such an invitation being sent." She then insists the players lay down their weapons, return Gertruda to her chambers, and “settle in until our Lord returns, so we can figure out what to do with you."
If the players defy her, Anastrasya’s smile broadens, and the rapier and wights at her side twitch as she adds, “Really—I *must* insist." If the players attack or defy her a second time, Anastrasya directs the **wights** to attack.
The two wights in the secret passage emerge on their first turns in combat, attacking the nearest enemies.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Socialite**
> Due to the phase mechanic, this combat encounter is a series of two consecutive **bruising** combat encounters against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 30% of their total maximum hit points per phase (for a total of 60% of their maximum hit points). For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of wights to one visible wight by Anastrasya's side, and one hidden wight that emerges from the secret passage in Anastrasya’s second phase.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of hidden wights to one.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of visible wights to three.
In her first phase, Anastrasya attempts to keep her distance from the players while attacking with her ***flying sword***, retreating toward [[#Hall of Heroes]] and the [[#King’s Landing]] if approached. If forced into her second phase, Anastrasya is enraged by the reveal of her true, grotesque form, and attacks the characters responsible with a vengeance. (While in her second form, Anastrasya prefers to grapple her prey using her ***unarmed strike***, then fly her chosen victim into the open air beside [[#King’s Landing]] before feeding upon them in midair with her ***bite***. If she reduces a character to 0 hit points in this way, she tosses their unconscious body onto [[#King’s Landing]] to feed on later.)
As with Ludmilla, Anastrasya fights to the death, unwilling to face Strahd’s wrath should she fail.
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Anastrasya, Vampire Socialite</h2>
<em>Medium undead, unaligned</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 15 (natural armor)<br>
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 82 (11d8 + 33)<br>
<strong>Speed</strong> 30 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>13 (+1)</td>
<td>10 (+0)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +6, Wis +3, Cha +6<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Deception +6, Perception +3, Persuasion +6, Stealth +6<br>
<strong>Damage Resistances</strong> necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Common, Elvish<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 7 (2,900 XP)<br>
<strong>Proficiency Bonus</strong> +3
<p><strong><em>Regeneration.</em></strong> Anastrasya regains 10 hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If she takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of her next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Spider Climb.</em></strong> Anastrasya can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.</p>
<p><strong><em>Sunlight Hypersensitivity.</em></strong> While in sunlight, Anastrasya takes 20 radiant damage at the start of her turn, and she has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Skinchange.</em></strong> When Anastrasya is reduced to 0 hit points, her skin sloughs off, revealing a giant, bloated, grotesque bat. Her statistics are then instantly replaced by the statistics of her second form. Her initiative count doesn’t change. Excess damage doesn't carry over to her new form, but she retains any conditions she had in her previous form.
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Anastrasya makes three attacks with her flying sword, or two with her claws.</p>
<p><strong><em>Bite.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> <span class="highlight">+6 to hit</span>, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by Anastrasya, incapacitated, or restrained. <em>Hit:</em> <span class="highlight">6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage</span>. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Anastrasya regains hit points equal to that amount. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. Each time the target finishes a long rest without being bitten again, it can roll one of its hit dice and add its Constitution modifier. The target’s maximum hit points increase by an amount equal to the result. (This increase can’t raise the target’s hit points above its original maximum.)</p>
<p><strong><em>Claws.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. Instead of dealing damage, Anastrasya can grapple the target (escape DC 13).</p>
<p><strong><em>Flying Sword.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +6 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Charm.</em></strong> One creature within 10 feet must make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Wisdom saving throw</span>. On a failure, the target is magically charmed for 1 minute or until Anastrasya loses her concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). A target that can't see Anastrasya automatically succeeds. While charmed, the target regards Anastrasya as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected; it isn't under Anastrasya's control, but takes her requests and actions in the most favorable way and lets Anastrasya bite it. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.</p>
<p><strong><em>Telekinetic Thrust.</em></strong> Anastrasya chooses one object weighing 1 to 50 pounds within 30 feet that isn't being worn or carried. The object flies in a straight line up to 30 feet in a direction Anastrasya chooses before falling to the ground, stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface. If the object would strike a creature, that creature must make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Dexterity saving throw</span>. On a failed save, the object strikes the target and stops moving. When the object strikes something, the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage.</p>
<p>Anastrasya can take up to three reactions per round, but only one per turn. If Anastrasya would lose her reactions and isn't incapacitated, she loses one reaction instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Night's Retreat.</em></strong> In response to taking damage, Anastrasya can fly up to half her speed without provoking opportunity attacks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Call Defender (1/round).</em></strong> In response to being targeted by an attack, if Anastrasya has charmed a creature, she commands that creature to use its reaction, if available, to move up to its speed toward her. If the charmed creature ends its movement within 5 feet of Anastrasya, it becomes the target of the attack instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Telekinetic Defense.</em></strong> In response to being targeted by an attack or spell, Anastrasya telekinetically summons one object weighing 1 to 50 pounds within 30 feet that isn't being worn or carried, gaining half cover against the triggering attack or spell.</p>
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Anastrasya, Vampiric Abomination</h2>
<em>Medium undead, unaligned</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 15 (natural armor)<br>
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 82 (11d8 + 33)<br>
<strong>Speed</strong> 10 ft., fly 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>13 (+1)</td>
<td>10 (+0)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +6, Wis +3, Cha +6<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Deception +6, Perception +3, Persuasion +6, Stealth +6<br>
<strong>Damage Resistances</strong> necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Common, Elvish<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 7 (2,900 XP)<br>
<strong>Proficiency Bonus</strong> +3
<p><strong><em>Regeneration.</em></strong> Anastrasya regains 10 hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If she takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of her next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Spider Climb.</em></strong> Anastrasya can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.</p>
<p><strong><em>Sunlight Hypersensitivity.</em></strong> While in sunlight, Anastrasya takes 20 radiant damage at the start of her turn, and she has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Anastrasya makes three attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack.</p>
<p><strong><em>Bite.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> <span class="highlight">+6 to hit</span>, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by Anastrasya, incapacitated, or restrained. <em>Hit:</em> <span class="highlight">6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage</span>. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Anastrasya regains hit points equal to that amount. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. Each time the target finishes a long rest without being bitten again, it can roll one of its hit dice and add its Constitution modifier. The target’s maximum hit points increase by an amount equal to the result. (This increase can’t raise the target’s hit points above its original maximum.)</p>
<p><strong><em>Claws.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> <span class="highlight">+6 to hit</span>, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> <span class="highlight">8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage</span>. Instead of dealing damage, Anastrasya can grapple the target (escape <span class="highlight">DC 13</span>).</p>
<p><strong><em>Vomit Blood.</em></strong> Anastrasya spews blood in a <span class="highlight">15-foot cone</span>. Each creature in that area must make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Dexterity saving throw</span>, taking <span class="highlight">7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and 3 (1d6) necrotic damage</span> on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Telekinetic Storm.</em></strong> Each creature within a <span class="highlight">5-foot radius</span> of Anastrasya must make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Constitution saving throw</span>, taking <span class="highlight">4d4 force damage</span> on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p>
<p><strong><em>Horrific Screech.</em></strong> All creatures that can hear within a <span class="highlight">30-foot radius</span> must succeed on a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Constitution saving throw</span> or suffer the following effects: On a failed save, a creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and concentration checks until the start of Anastrasya's next turn. If a creature fails the save by 5 or more, it is also frightened of Anastrasya until the start of her next turn. If a creature fails the save by 10 or more, it is also paralyzed until the end of Anastrasya's next turn.</p>
<p>Anastrasya can take up to three reactions per round, but only one per turn. If Anastrasya would lose her reactions and isn't incapacitated, she loses one reaction instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Wing Attack.</em></strong> When Anastrasya takes damage from a creature within 5 feet of her, she can force the attacker to make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Strength saving throw</span>. On a failed save, the attacker is pushed back <span class="highlight">10 feet</span>. If they fail the save by 5 or more, they also fall prone.</p>
<p><strong><em>Vampiric Command.</em></strong> When a creature moves within 10 feet of Anastrasya or damages her while within 10 feet of her, she can use her reaction to force the creature to make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Wisdom saving throw</span>. On a failed save, Anastrasya can command the creature as if she had cast the <em>command</em> spell, without expending a spell slot or using any components.</p>
<span class="credit">"Anastrasya in her second form" by Caleb Cleveland. Support him on <a href="https://patreon.com/calebisdrawing/">Patreon!</a></span>
### Hall of Heroes
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K45.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K45. Hall of Heroes (p. 68)</span>. However, the statues are not imbued with the spirits of Strahd’s ancestors and cannot answer questions.
A secret door behind the furthest-west statue on the south side of the corridor leads to [[#King’s Bedchamber]], as described in <span class="citation">K42. King’s Bedchamber (p. 68)</span>. To open it, the statue’s sword arm must be pulled thirty degrees upward.
# P7. Bell Tower
This area of the castle hosts the castle belfry, whose bell once marked the hours of the day and announced castle ceremonies, holidays, or other special events. Because of its relative isolation, Strahd also chose this section to host his concealed treasury—as well as a false treasury to lure would-be thieves to their doom.
## P7a. False Treasury
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K38.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K38. False Treasury (p. 66)</span>. However, a character that inspects the skeleton and succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check learns that it died of suffocation. In addition, a character that inspects the skeleton’s attire or equipment observes that its pockets are stuffed with gold coins.
> [!lore]+ **The Choking Skeleton**
> This dead adventurer entered Castle Ravenloft during Strahd’s hibernation, seeking to loot the castle for gold and jewels. After finding the secret door in <span class="citation">K27. King’s Hall (p. 61)</span> and using it to access <span class="citation">K31. Trapworks (p. 63)</span>, he ascended the iron chains in <span class="citation">K31a. Elevator Shaft (p. 63)</span> and exited the secret door from <span class="citation"> K31b. Shaft Access (p. 64)</span> into <span class="citation">K39. Hall of Webs (p. 67)</span>.
> After entering the then-open secret door into <span class="citation">K38. False Treasury (p. 66)</span>, the adventurer took the torch from the wall nearby, causing the secret door to swing closed. He then opened the chest, failed to resist the effects of the sleeping gas, and became paralyzed. The fire in the fireplace in <span class="citation">K37. Study (p. 66)</span> then slowly consumed the rest of the oxygen in the chamber, eventually suffocating him.
A creature that fails its saving throw against the sleeping gas can repeat the saving throw every ten minutes. The first time a creature succeeds on a repeated saving throw in this way, it becomes poisoned, rather than paralyzed. The second time a creature succeeds on a repeated saving throw in this way, the effects of the sleeping gas on it end.
If the players activate the trap and then linger here for twenty minutes or more (e.g., to wait until their allies recover from the sleeping gas, or because all of the players and their NPC companions have failed their saving throws against it), the **invisible stalker** in [[#P7d. Treasury]] uses its ***air form*** feature to slip out of a crack in the wall between [[#P7d. Treasury]] and [[#P7c. Belfry]], passes through [[#P7b. Belfry Access Hall]], and stops on the opposite side of the secret door. It then attempts to discern whether any characters remain conscious. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>A chill wind rises in the distance, whistling softly through the castle’s distant halls and towers. As it dies down, a soft knocking echoes from the opposite side of the east wall.</p>
If any players knock on the door or otherwise indicate their presence, the **invisible stalker** flees and returns to [[#P7d. Treasury]]. Otherwise, if the players fail to indicate their presence, the invisible stalker passes through a crack in the wall and enters the chamber. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>The wind whistles softly, and the clouds of smoke begin to stir . Slowly, a shape takes form in the ashen haze: a humanoid silhouette, composed entirely of clean, smokeless air.</p>
The silhouette is the invisible stalker. If any character moves, speaks, or otherwise makes clear that they aren’t paralyzed, the invisible stalker flees back into the crack in the wall and enters <span class="citation">K40. Belfry (p. 67)</span>. There, it rings the bell three times before returning to [[#P7d. Treasury]]. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>The tolling of a great, sonorous bell reverberates through the air—once, twice, three times—leaving the air and stones themselves seeming to tremble with its echoes.</p>
The sound of the bell attracts two **vampire spawn**, who pass from <span class="citation">K53. Rooftop (p. 71)</span> into <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>, then descend to <span class="citation">K45. Hall of Heroes (p. 68)</span> before entering the false treasury via the secret door in <span class="citation">K37. Study (p. 66)</span>. The vampires attack the players on sight.
Otherwise, if undisturbed, the invisible stalker inspects each character’s body to retrieve any valuables, which it places in a pile on the floor. If it has obtained any valuable items other than coins (e.g., magical items), it replaces the torch in the wall, causing the secret door to swing open. It then takes those valuables and deposits them in [[#P7d. Treasury]].
## P7b. Belfry Access Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K39.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K39. Hall of Webs (p. 67)</span>.
## P7c. Belfry
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K40.</em></span>
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Belfry**
> This combat encounter is a **mild** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 15% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of giant spiders to 4.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of giant spiders to 4.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of giant spiders to 6.
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K40. Belfry (p. 67)</span>. However, if the players drew the attention of the **invisible stalker** by activating the sleeping gas trap in [[#P7a. False Treasury]], a player with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher notices that the dust and webbing around the secret door have recently been disturbed.
## P7d. Treasury
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K41.</em></span>
### Entering the Tower
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K41. Treasury (p. 67)</span>. However, the command word to the *Daern’s instant fortress* is the same phrase as for the *Tome of Strahd*: “I come in Dostron’s memory."
Speaking the command phrase aloud doesn’t cause the door or trapdoor to open. Instead, once the command phrase is spoken, the adamantine door (on the ground floor) and trapdoor (on the roof) become reflective, mirror-like surfaces for the next 1 minute. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>The door’s surface shimmers, its dull-grey sheen becoming a reflective, mirror-like surface. An ornate door handle, floating disembodied in the air, appears reflected in the mirror. Though it seems to be approximately two inches beyond the mirror’s surface, no physical door handle appears to cast such a reflection.</p>
The door handle opens the door (or trapdoor) leading inside the fortress. However, any creature whose visage is reflected in the mirror is unable to reach inside the mirror to use the handle. A creature that touches the mirror in this way notices that the surface is warm, not cold, and feels similar in texture to the extremity or object that touched it.
Creatures that don’t cast a reflection (e.g., because they are invisible, because the room is completely dark, or because they are a vampire) can reach into the mirror and open the handle normally. (Due to the sparkling of the painted “stars" on the ceiling above, the players must take some action to darken the stars’ light in order to remove their reflection through darkness.)
Players who fail to open the door can still enter the tower through magical teleportation or by passing through the tower’s arrow slits through magical means, as described in <span class="citation">K41. Treasury (p. 67)</span>.
### Plundering the Treasury
The contents of the treasury are largely as described in <span class="citation">K41. Treasury (p. 67)</span>. However, replace the *alchemy jug*, *helm of brilliance*, and *rod of the pact keeper, +1* with a *driftglobe*, *cape of the mountebank*, two *pearls of power* and an *amber shard* of Great Taar Haak, the Five-Headed Destroyer. (See the [[Amber Shards]] appendix for more information about amber shards.). In addition, replace the four *potions of greater healing* with *potions of superior healing*, and add a *+1 light crossbow* hanging from a hook on the wall.
An **invisible stalker** bound by Strahd to protect the treasury’s contents lurks in the upper floor of the tower. The invisible stalker has the following changes to its statistics:
* It has the ***air form*** feature of an **air elemental**.
Shortly after a character enters the lower floor of the tower for the first time, the invisible stalker causes the *driftglobe* to roll off of its shelf and onto the floor, where it comes to rest against one of the tower’s walls. The stalker then exits the tower through one of the arrow slits, waits for any characters to ascend to the upper floor, then slams the ground-floor door shut before returning to the upper floor. Upon returning, it attacks any characters that remain or re-enter the tower’s upper floor. (The stalker also eventually attacks if no characters enter the upper floor.)
# P8. Guest Suite
This area of the castle once hosted important guests to the keep, including those described in <span class="citation">Pidlwick II (p. 236)</span>. In the castle’s heyday, access to the elevator shaft once allowed servants to bring hot meals and wine directly from the kitchens and wine cellar, providing prompt and efficient service.
## P8a. Guest Landing
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K47.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K47. Portrait of Strahd (p. 68)</span>. However, modify the portrait as follows:
* The portrait can take up to three reactions per round, but only one per turn.
* The portrait gains the following reaction: ***Reflexive Spellcasting.*** In response to being targeted by an attack or spell, or in response to a creature casting a spell that would place the portrait in its area of effect, the portrait casts one of the spells it knows.
* The portrait gains the following feature: ***Split Mind.*** The portrait can concentrate on up to three spells at a time. If the portrait would lose its concentration while concentrating on multiple spells, roll 1d4. On a roll of 3 or below, it loses concentration on one random spell it’s currently concentrating on. On a roll of 4, it loses concentration on all spells instead.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Guest Landing**
> This combat encounter is a **mild** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 3% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the rug of smothering’s hit points to 33, and the damage of its Smother attacks to 8 (2d4+3). Additionally, reduce the Guardian Portrait’s hit points to 16.
On initiative count 20 of the second round of combat after the **guardian portrait** or **rug of smothering** attacks, a black **cat** emerges from <span class="citation">K48. Offstair (p. 70)</span> and notices them. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>The darkness filling the ascending stair stirs. A black cat peers out of the shadows, its green eyes glinting with a strange, malevolent intelligence. Its gaze lands upon you, and, with a hiss, it turns and begins darting back up the stairs.</p>
The cat is the familiar of a **Barovian witch** in [[#P9. Coven’s Quarters]], and disappears up the stairs on initiative count 20 of the following round. Unless the players kill, capture, or otherwise stop it, it goes to warn its mistress in [[#P9c. Cauldron Room]] of the players’ presence. (If killed, the cat vanishes as described in the *find familiar* spell.)
Shortly after combat ends, the door to <span class="citation">K49. Lounge (p. 70)</span> cracks open, and a pale, anxious-looking face peers out. (A player with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or greater recognizes the face as Escher’s.) Upon noticing the players, Escher then immediately slams the door shut again.
## P8b. Guest Suite
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K49, 50 & 51.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K49. Lounge (p. 70)</span>, <span class="citation">K50. Guest Room (p. 70)</span>, and <span class="citation">K51. Closet (p. 70)</span>. However, modify this area’s description depending on Escher’s location, which is as follows:
* If he saw the players in <span class="citation">K47. Portrait of Strahd (p. 68)</span> after they fought the **guardian portrait** and **rug of smothering** in [[#P8a. Guest Landing]], Escher attempts to conceal himself in <span class="citation">K51. Closet (p. 70)</span> while waiting for the players to leave.
* Otherwise, Escher is lounging on the couch as described in <span class="citation">K49. Lounge (p. 70)</span>.
Regardless of his location, once discovered by the players, Escher immediately pales, then drops to his knees and begs the players to spare his life. While babbling, he promises, amongst other things, to “drink only animal blood," “become a vegetarian," or “become a monk of the Morninglord."
***Threatening Escher.*** Players who threaten Escher and succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check can convince him to provide the information in **What Escher Knows** below. Otherwise, Escher cowers and pleads for mercy while insisting he cannot betray “Count von Zarovich."
If attacked, Escher attempts to flee through the window as described in <span class="citation">K49. Lounge (p. 70)</span>.
***Reassuring Escher.*** If reassured that the players mean him no harm, Escher looks abashed, then grows sullen and irate. He demands to know why the players have “come traipsing through the Master’s castle," but almost immediately changes his mind and insists that he “has no interest in their games."
As the conversation unfolds, if Ireena is present, a player with a passive Wisdom (Insight) score of 14 or more notices that Escher appears to be studiously refusing to meet her gaze. A successful subsequent DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Escher appears to flinch and quickly look away whenever he notices Ireena’s eyes meet his own.
Players who invoke Escher’s former relationship to the village of Barovia and succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check can convince him to share the information contained in **What Escher Knows** below. A player makes the check with advantage if they blame Escher aloud for Strahd’s awakening and Strahd’s subsequent hunt for Ireena, Gertruda’s imprisonment, or Doru’s vampirism, and succeeds automatically if Doru is present. On a failure, Escher politely declines to assist the players, insisting that he cannot betray “Count von Zarovich’s secrets" on pain of death.
> [!info]+ **What Escher Knows**
> If convinced to do so, Escher can provide the following information about the following items of interest in Castle Ravenloft:
> * **Gertruda.** “She’s in the royal suite, on the third floor. Just head down the south tower stairs—the same ones you came up. Don’t mention my name—Anastrasya is watching her."
> * **Argynvost’s Skull.** “A dragon skull? I’ve seen one in the ossuary in the larders. The doors are right by the kitchens, down the south tower stairs."
> * **Emil.** “I don’t know about anyone by that description. The dungeons are at the base of the south tower, though. They’re filthy and flooded, so I try to avoid them."
> * **The Catacombs.** “The high tower stair used to lead straight down from the chapel, but the Master walled it off. I know Rahadin still goes down there sometimes, though, so there must be another way in."
> Escher can also provide the following information if directly requested:
> * **The Witches’ Coven.** Ludmilla is the mistress of a coven of six **Barovian witches**, who perform fell rituals and concoct foul brews on the floor above the guest suite. They’ve recently begun experimenting with and creating strange forms of undead, which Escher has been studiously avoiding. (If asked, Escher can share only that these undead appear as normal zombies, but with smooth, white flesh with crimson veins, and that red mist continually spills from their mouths.)
> * **Volenta Popofsky.** Volenta enjoys lurking in the torture chamber near the dungeons. (Escher has never seen it, and has no wish to.)
> Escher has little other information to share. He has no knowledge of the castle treasury, the illusions in the [[#Main Entrance]], or the Heart of Sorrow.
> Other than sharing the above information, Escher is too terrified of Strahd to provide the players with assistance navigating the castle, obtaining the items they seek, or combating Strahd’s other consorts and minions.
> [!abstract]+ **Doru’s Demand**
> If Doru accompanied the players to Castle Ravenloft and is present when they meet Escher, as the players move to leave Escher behind, he pauses, then turns to address Escher. The following exchange then occurs unless the players intervene:
> * Doru weakly notes that Escher is “looking well." Escher’s hands ball into fists, and he asks, “Is that a problem?"
> * Doru raises his hands and insists he “meant nothing" by his comment—only that he wanted to make sure Escher was safe. “My own stay at Castle Ravenloft was less than pleasant," he says raggedly, but earnestly. “I’m glad if yours has been more so."
> * Escher croaks, “Pleasant enough."
> * Doru hesitates, then says, “I don’t know what your situation is here, but you don’t have to stay. You can come with us. Even as monsters, we have a choice." He extends a hand toward Escher, and quietly adds, “Please."
> * Escher freezes, staring toward Doru’s hand, then tears his gaze away, turns his back on Doru, and crosses his arms across his chest. “You made your choice," he rasps, “and so did I."
> * Doru swallows, then lowers his hand. “I understand," he says. “But that offer is always open, if you change your mind." He then turns to join the players in leaving.
> As they leave, a player with a passive Wisdom (Insight) score of 14 or greater notices that Escher’s shoulders are trembling with silent sobs.
# P9. Coven’s Quarters
This area lies at the peak of Castle Ravenloft’s South Tower, once nicknamed the “General’s Tower" for the contents of its highest floor. Before Strahd became a vampire, <span class="citation">K54. Familiar Room (p. 71)</span> was a guard post responsible for manning and supplying <span class="citation">K57. Tower Roof (p. 72)</span>, <span class="citation">K55. Element Room (p. 72)</span> was a map room and armory, and <span class="citation">K56. (p. Cauldron Room)</span> hosted the living quarters of General Kroval “Mad Dog" Grislek, whose remains now lie in <span class="citation">Crypt 38 (p. 92)</span>.
## P9a. Familiar Room
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K54.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K54. Familiar Room (p. 71)</span>. However, the door to this chamber is ajar, as is the door to the chamber beyond.
> [!abstract]+ **Watchful Familiars**
> The witches aren’t automatically alerted to the players’ presence if the familiars see them here. However, if the players failed to prevent the **black cat** familiar in [[#P8a. Guest Landing]] from alerting its mistress, three of the witches in [[#P9c. Cauldron Room]] are watching through the eyes of the three **cats** in this chamber as described in the *find familiar* spell.
## P9b. Element Room
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K55.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K55. Element Room (p. 72)</span>. However, a **zombie** stands silently at the center of the room. (The zombie doesn’t attack except in self-defense, or except as directed by the coven.) Add the following to the end of this area’s description:
<div class="description">
<p>A rotting figure stands still at the center of the room, its glassy, unblinking eyes staring straight ahead.</p>
> [!abstract] **The Witches’ Ambush**
> If the players failed to prevent the **black cat** familiar in [[#P8a. Guest Landing]] from alerting its mistress, the coven has used the contents of the cauldron in [[#P9c. Cauldron Room]] to transform the zombie into a weakened **zombie plague spreader** (<span class="citation">Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, p. 255</span>). Add the following to this area’s description:
> <hr>
> *The zombie’s flesh is a smooth, sickly white, its skin run through with raised crimson veins. A faint cloud of reddish mist spills from its mouth and down onto the stone floor.*
> <hr>
> Increase the plague spreader's hit points to 100, decrease the necrotic damage dealt by its ***slam*** to 5 (1d8), and decrease the damage dealt by its ***virulent miasma*** to 7 (2d6) poison damage per creature.
> The seven witches in [[#P9c. Cauldron Room]] have also quaffed their _potions of poison immunity_, cast _invisibility_ spells on themselves, and spread themselves around the corners of the room. The witches attack as soon as the players fully enter the room. A player with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or greater who enters the room soon hears one of the invisible witches stifle a cough, as well as the rustling of unseen robes nearby.
A player who searches the room and succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a *potion of fire breath* hidden amongst the bottles and jars.
In addition, seven brooms lie in a rack just beside the south window. Six of the brooms are made of simple brown wood, while the last is made of lacquered black wood.
Two of the brown brooms are _brooms of inferior flying_, and the other four brown brooms are **brooms of animated attack**. The black broom is a _broom of flying_. If a creature other than one of the witches in [[#P9c. Cauldron Room]] attempts to take any of the brooms, the **brooms of animated attack** animate and attack.
The witches in [[#P9c. Cauldron Room]] emerge and join the fray if they hear the sound of fighting in this room.
> [!warning]+ **Command Words**
> A *broom of flying* cannot fly unless its command word is spoken. As noted in <span class="citation">Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 136)</span>, a creature can learn a magic item’s command word by casting the *identify* spell, or by spending a short rest focused on that magic item while in physical contact with it.
> [!item]+ **Flying Brooms**
> ***Brooms of Inferior Flying.*** A *broom of inferior flying* has 3 charges and regains 1 charge daily at dusk. A creature standing astride the broom can speak its command word and spend 1 charge to cause it to gain the properties of a *broom of flying* for 10 minutes. While activated in this way, the broom has a flying speed of only 30 feet (or 15 feet while carrying over 200 pounds).
> ***Broom of Flying.*** The coven’s single *broom of flying* is enchanted with a mild form of sentience, and is loyal only to the witches of the coven. If any other creature attempts to ride it, the broom begins bucking and rolling uncontrollably once it has risen at least twenty feet above the ground. At the start of each of the rider’s turns, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or plummet to the ground. Once it has removed its rider, the broom then attempts to fly back to its rack in Castle Ravenloft.
> The broom becomes permanently docile if its rider threatens to destroy or harm it in Common, Infernal, or Abyssal and succeeds on a DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation) check. The broom also ceases attempting to throw a particular rider if that rider successfully makes five consecutive Strength saving throws to avoid being thrown, although the broom then sullenly reduces its flying speed to 10 feet for the duration of the flight.
## P9c. Cauldron Room
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K56.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K56. Cauldron (p. 72)</span>. However, replace the reference to “green-glowing wisps of steam" in this area’s description with “red-glowing wisps of steam."
> [!lore]+ **The Cauldron**
> The potion in the cauldron, when imbibed by a **zombie**, transforms it into a **zombie plague spreader**. Due to the enchantments layered into the potion by the witches, a **zombie plague spreader** created in this way is loyal first to Strahd, second to Rahadin, third to Strahd’s consorts, and last to the witches who created it. Unless ordered otherwise, the plague spreader attacks any non-undead on sight.
In addition, replace the seven **Barovian witches** with two **Barovian hexwitches** wearing bone earrings, two **Barovian bogwitches** with brown paint smeared around their eyes, and three **Barovian stormwitches** wearing black leather gloves (see below). Each witch carries a _potion of healing_, a _potion of poison_, and a _potion of poison immunity_.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Witches**
> This combat encounter is a **bruising** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 27% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of witches to one Barovian hexwitch, one Barovian bogwitch, and two Barovian stormwitches (including Diavola).
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of witches to two Barovian hexwitches, two Barovian bogwitches, and Diavola.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of witches to two Barovian hexwitches, three Barovian bogwitches, and three Barovian stormwitches (including Diavola).
If the players didn’t attract her to [[#Main Foyer]], Ludmilla Vilisevic is also present alongside the witches’ coven. (See [[#Main Foyer]] for her statistics.) If combat breaks out, Ludmilla prefers to lure any enemy combatants up <span class="citation">K48. Offstair (p. 70)</span> toward <span class="citation">K57. Tower Roof (p. 72)</span>, where she can more easily use the open-air battlefield to her advantage.
> [!item]+ **Potion of Poison Immunity**
> A *potion of poison immunity* has the properties of a *potion of poison resistance*, but grants immunity rather than resistance.
One of the Barovian stormwitches is Diavola, the leader of the coven. Diavola, who wears pewter earrings shaped like lightning bolts, has 28 hit points and an additional 2nd-level spell slot. In addition, rather than a _potion of healing_, Diavola carries a *potion of greater healing*. On her first turn in combat, Diavola cries: "We shall defeat you as Mother Lysaga taught us—for the glory of Brother Strahd!"
> [!info]+ **Hexwitches, Bogwitches & Stormwitches**
> A **Barovian hexwitch** is a **Barovian witch** with the following spells prepared:
> * Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, chill touch
> * 1st level (4 slots): ray of sickness, Tasha's hideous laughter
> * 2nd level (2 slots): blindness/deafness, invisibility, misty step
> In combat, a Barovian hexwitch prefers to begin by casting *blindness/deafness*, followed by *ray of sickness*. If cornered, a hexwitch prefers to defend herself by casting *Tasha’s hideous laughter.*
> A **Barovian bogwitch** is a **Barovian witch** with the following spells prepared:
> * Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, infestation
> * 1st level (4 slots): ice knife, catapult
> * 2nd level (2 slots): cloud of daggers, invisibility, misty step
> In combat, a Barovian bogwitch prefers to begin by casting *cloud of daggers*, followed by *ice knife* if she can hit at least three targets, and *catapult* otherwise.
> A **Barovian stormwitch** is a **Barovian witch** with the following spells prepared:
> * Cantrips (at will): mage hand, shocking grasp, ray of frost
> * 1st level (4 slots): witch bolt, feather fall
> * 2nd level (2 slots): Melf’s acid arrow, invisibility, misty step
> In combat, a Barovian stormwitch prefers to begin by casting *Melf’s acid arrow*, followed by *witch bolt.*
# P10. Garrison
This area of the castle once hosted the barracks and common areas of the castle guards, providing easy access to the upper-floor archers’ posts and battlements via <span class="citation">K64. Guards’ Stair (p. 78)</span> and the North Tower Stair (<span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>). A quartet of secret doors, providing access to <span class="citation">K10. Dining Hall (p. 56)</span>, <span class="citation">K25. Audience Hall (p. 61)</span>, <span class="citation">K33. King’s Apartment Stair (p. 64)</span>, and <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, also allowed for the castle’s protectors to swiftly and quietly navigate its floors or spirit away important targets to safety in the event of an attack.
## P10a. Garrison, Basement Floor
### Hall of Bones
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K67.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K67. Hall of Bones (p. 78)</span>. However, if Argynvost’s skull is removed from its mount, a **skeleton** crawls from each of the four mounds of bones at the corners of the room. The skeletons attack living creatures on sight.
For the next 1 minute, an additional **skeleton** crawls from each non-destroyed bone mound at initiative count 0 of each round. Each bone mound has AC 15, 10 hit points, immunity to piercing, psychic, and poison damage, and vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.
> [!lore]+ The Hall of Bones
> Over a century ago, Volenta transformed the mess hall into an elaborate ossuary as an art piece signifying her devotion to Strahd.
> [!abstract]+ **Storing the Skull**
> Should the players use it to do so, the extradimensional space within the _chest of holding_ obtained in [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil#O3c. The Black Carriage|Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]] is large enough to store Argynvost's skull.
### Guards’ Run
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K68.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K68. Guards’ Run (p. 79)</span>.
### Guards’ Quarters
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K69.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K69. Guards’ Quarters (p. 79)</span>. However, revise this area’s description as follows:
<div class="description">
<p>Sickly, yellow lichen covers the ceiling of this cold, damp, ten-foot-wide passage running east and west. Opening off both sides of this passage are ten ten-foot-square alcoves that contain rotting debris and rags.</p>
<p>Rows of silent figures stand unmoving within each alcove, their flesh rotted and gray. The central four alcoves are headed by additional figures, their rotted flesh a smooth, sickly white run through with crimson veins. Faint clouds of reddish mist spill from the mouths of the white-skinned undead, pooling across the stone floor before dissipating into the cold air.</p>
<p>At the far end of the corridor, a lonely wooden spoon sits abandoned upon the stonework.</p>
The wooden spoon belongs to Cyrus Belview. If the players are visible to the zombies, read:
<div class="description">
<p>The figures swivel their heads and eyes toward you, but make no move to attack.</p>
Each alcove is occupied by four **zombies**, except for the back-left alcove. In each of the four central alcoves, one of the four zombies is a **zombie plague spreader** (<span class="citation">Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, p. 255</span>) with the following modifications:
* Increase each plague spreader's hit points to 130
* Decrease the necrotic damage dealt by a plague spreader’s ***slam*** to 5 (1d8), and decrease the damage dealt by its ***virulent miasma*** to 7 (2d6) poison damage per creature.
The zombies and zombie plague spreaders don’t move or respond to stimuli, and attack only in self-defense.
The back-left alcove conceals a **crawling zombie** that is missing both of its legs, so that only its head, torso, and arms remain. When a living creature attempts to retrieve the wooden spoon beside its alcove, the crawling zombie uses its arms to fling itself into the air and attack.
Treat the crawling zombie as a **zombie** with the following modifications:
* It has 11 hit points and a speed of 5 ft.
* On a successful hit with its ***slam***, the crawling zombie can wrap one of its arms around the target to cling to it. While clinging to a target in this way, the crawling zombie has disadvantage on attack rolls and moves with the target.
Players who inspect the crawling zombie notice that it appears far older and more decrepit than the relatively “fresh" undead standing in the alcoves.
### Kingsmen Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K70.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K70. Kingsmen Hall (p. 79)</span>.
### Kingsmen Quarters
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K71.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K71. Kingsmen Quarters (p. 79)</span>. However, the sack beneath the loose flagstone in the southeast alcove also contains a *stone of good luck*.
### Chamberlain’s Office
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K72.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K72. Chamberlain’s Office (p. 79)</span>. However, remove Rahadin and the **shadow demon** from this room.
In addition, a player who investigates Rahadin’s desk finds an unsealed parchment letter sitting upon it. It reads:
<div class="description">
<p>To my esteemed lord and master,</p>
<p>Nearly five centuries past, I forswore my loyalty to a prince that knew only weakness, and instead swore an oath of allegiance to a king that embraced only strength—your father, the beloved King Barov. It was my highest honor to serve at his side, matched only by the honor I felt when he adopted me as his own.</p>
<p>Though King Barov has departed us, his legacy lives on in you—a legacy that burns fiercer than his Brightblade ever did. You have become the sun to his candle; the mount to his hill. By your hand, his great work was completed and wrought anew.</p>
<p>It has been my pride and honor to serve you, even as you undertook your journey beyond the veil of life itself. I do not regret the blood I have spilled, nor the lives I have taken, comforted in the knowledge that all has been in your name.</p>
<p>It is my one regret that this body is not as yours, and that when my heart shall cease to beat, so too shall my spirit depart my flesh. It is for this reason, however, that I am, and shall forever be, grateful for the opportunity you have granted me to serve you one final time. Though my eyes shall not see the glory of your rise from the ashes, I have seen it in my heart, and that is enough.</p>
<p>May your reign be great and terrible, and may your throne never end.</p>
<p>Your eternal and obedient servant,<br>
Rahadin von Zarovich</p>
> [!info]+ **The Secret Door**
> Players who find and pass through the secret door here exit the Garrison and enter [[#P11. Dungeons]] via [[#P11f. Western Stair]]. A player who opens the secret door observes a humanoid silhouette appearing to observe them from the far side of the landing. Once noticed, the silhouette quickly ducks out of sight. (The silhouette is a **shadow**. See [[#P11f. Western Stair]] for more information about the shadow if the players attempt to confront or communicate with it.)
## P10b. Garrison, First Floor
### First Floor South Archers’ Post Access Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K13.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K13. Turrets Post Access Hall (p. 57)</span>.
### First Floor South Archers’ Post
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K11 & K12.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K11. South Archers’ Post (p. 57)</span> and <span class="citation">K12. Turret Post (p. 57)</span>. However, a single **shadow** dwells here, as described in <span class="citation">Shadows (p. 51)</span>.
This **shadow**, which understands Common but can’t speak it, is the remnant of a spirit that died in the castle long ago. If permitted to do so, it shyly attempts to follow the players throughout Castle Ravenloft, though it hides itself among nearby furniture or architecture if confronted or attacked. If this occurs, a player can coax it back from hiding with a successful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
The shadow is lonely and longs for the company of others—including, particularly, its friend, another **shadow** lost elsewhere in the castle. Though it won’t fight on the players’ behalf, players who ask and succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check can convince the shadow to use its ***amorphous*** feature to investigate adjacent rooms for danger while using its ***shadow stealth*** feature to remain concealed. The check succeeds automatically if the players agree to help the shadow reunite with its friend.
> [!info]+ **The Shadow’s Friend**
> The **shadow’s** friend can be found in [[#P11f. Western Stair]].
### North Tower Vestibule
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K20 and K20a.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span> and <span class="citation">K20a. Tower Hall Stair (p. 59)</span>. Players who ascend the stairs reach [[#Servants’ Landing]].
> [!info]+ **The Heart of Sorrow**
> The Heart of Sorrow is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. However, it is immune to all damage, and no **vampire spawn** attack characters that attack it. In addition, rather than shaking the tower on initiative count 10 each round, the Heart shakes the tower each time the players attempt to ascend an additional story toward the Heart.
> A character who fails the Dexterity saving throw against the shaking tower and falls as a result can catch themselves on the edge of the stairs by succeeding on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A character adjacent to a falling character can catch them by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
### First Floor North Archers’ Post Access Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K13.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K13. Turrets Post Access Hall (p. 57)</span>. However, the entrance to this corridor contains a giant spider cocoon suspended from the ceiling, which is as described in <span class="citation">Giant Spider Cocoon (p. 51)</span>.
If opened, the cocoon contains Pidlwick II, who is as described in <span class="citation">Pidlwick II (p. 73)</span>. Pidlwick II is grateful to the characters for rescuing him, and attempts to assist them as described in <span class="citation">Pidlwick II (p. 73)</span>. It otherwise acts as described in <span class="citation">Pidlwick II (p. 73)</span>.
If the players are kind toward Pidlwick II and succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check, they can convince it to depart the castle with them to meet the toymaker Gadof Blinsky.
> [!abstract]+ **Blinsky & Pidlwick II**
> If brought to Blinsky Toys, Pidlwick II is content to be poked, prodded, and generally inspected at Blinsky’s whims. If permitted to remain in the shop for three full days, Pidlwick II agrees to be the official Blinsky Toys mascot in exchange for the freedom to wander about the town.
### First Floor North Archers’ Post
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K22.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K22. North Archers’ Post (p. 59)</span>.
## P10c. Garrison, Second Floor
### Second Floor South Archers’ Post Access Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K13.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K13. Turrets Post Access Hall (p. 57)</span>. However, four **crawling claws** cling to the ceiling above the secret door leading to <span class="citation">K25. Audience Hall (p. 61)</span>, and drop down to attack any creature that passes beneath them. The claws otherwise behave as described in <span class="citation">Crawling Claws (p. 50)</span>.
### Second Floor South Archers’ Post
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K12 & K22.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K12. Turret Post (p. 57)</span> and <span class="citation">K22. North Archers’ Post (p. 59)</span>.
### Servants’ Landing
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K20.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. Players who ascend the stairs reach [[#King’s Landing]]. Players who descend the stairs reach [[#North Tower Vestibule]].
> [!info]+ **The Secret Door**
> Players who find and pass through the secret door set in the northeastern wall exit the Garrison and enter [[#P5. Servants’ Wing]] via [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#Servants’ Upper Floor|Servants' Upper Floor]].
> [!info]+ **The Heart of Sorrow**
> The Heart of Sorrow is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. However, it is immune to all damage, and no **vampire spawn** attack characters that attack it. In addition, rather than shaking the tower on initiative count 10 each round, the Heart shakes the tower each time the players attempt to ascend an additional story toward the Heart.
> A character who fails the Dexterity saving throw against the shaking tower and falls as a result can catch themselves on the edge of the stairs by succeeding on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A character adjacent to a falling character can catch them by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
### Second Floor North Archers’ Post Access Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K13.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K13. Turrets Post Access Hall (p. 57)</span>.
> [!info]+ **The Secret Door**
> Players who find and pass through the secret door set in the southern wall exit the Garrison and enter [[#P6. King’s Apartments]] via [[#King’s Apartment Stair]].
### Second Floor North Archers’ Post
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K22.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K22. North Archers’ Post (p. 59)</span>.
## P10d. Garrison, Third Floor
### Inner South Wall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K46.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K46. Parapets (p. 68)</span>.
> [!info]+ **Through the Windows**
> The five-foot-wide windows along this walkway are locked from the inside and covered by heavy curtains:
> * ***Eastern Window.*** The window closest to <span class="citation">K64. Guards’ Stair (p. 78)</span> looks into [[#King’s Dining Hall]].
> * ***Western Windows.*** The two windows further from <span class="citation">K64. Guards’ Stair (p. 78)</span> look into <span class="citation">K44. Closet (p. 68)</span> in [[#Bath Chamber & Closet]].
### Inner West Wall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K46.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K46. Parapets (p. 68)</span>.
### King’s Landing
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K20.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. Players who ascend the stairs reach [[#General’s Landing]] via [[#North Tower Stair]]. Players who descend the stairs reach [[#Servants’ Landing]].
Players who pass through the western archway exit the Garrison and enter [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P6. King’s Apartments|King's Apartments]] via [[#Hall of Heroes]].
> [!info]+ **The Heart of Sorrow**
> The Heart of Sorrow is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. However, it is immune to all damage, and no **vampire spawn** attack characters that attack it. In addition, rather than shaking the tower on initiative count 10 each round, the Heart shakes the tower each time the players attempt to ascend an additional story toward the Heart.
> A character who fails the Dexterity saving throw against the shaking tower and falls as a result can catch themselves on the edge of the stairs by succeeding on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A character adjacent to a falling character can catch them by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
### Inner North Wall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K46.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K46. Parapets (p. 68)</span>.
### Inner East Wall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K46.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K46. Parapets (p. 68)</span>.
## P10e. Garrison, Fourth Floor
### North Tower Stair
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K20.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>.
> [!info]+ **The Heart of Sorrow**
> The Heart of Sorrow is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. However, it is immune to all damage, and no **vampire spawn** attack characters that attack it. In addition, rather than shaking the tower on initiative count 10 each round, the Heart shakes the tower each time the players attempt to ascend an additional story toward the Heart.
> A character who fails the Dexterity saving throw against the shaking tower and falls as a result can catch themselves on the edge of the stairs by succeeding on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A character adjacent to a falling character can catch them by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
## P10f. Garrison, Fifth Floor
### North Tower Stair
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K20.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>.
> [!info]+ **The Heart of Sorrow**
> The Heart of Sorrow is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. However, it is immune to all damage, and no **vampire spawn** attack characters that attack it. In addition, rather than shaking the tower on initiative count 10 each round, the Heart shakes the tower each time the players attempt to ascend an additional story toward the Heart.
> A character who fails the Dexterity saving throw against the shaking tower and falls as a result can catch themselves on the edge of the stairs by succeeding on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A character adjacent to a falling character can catch them by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
## P10g. Garrison, Sixth Floor
### General’s Landing
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K20.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>.
> [!info]+ **The Heart of Sorrow**
> The Heart of Sorrow is largely as described in <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span>. However, it is immune to all damage, and no **vampire spawn** attack characters that attack it. In addition, rather than shaking the tower on initiative count 10 each round, the Heart shakes the tower each time the players attempt to ascend an additional story toward the Heart.
> A character who fails the Dexterity saving throw against the shaking tower and falls as a result can catch themselves on the edge of the stairs by succeeding on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A character adjacent to a falling character can catch them by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
### General’s Terrace
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K57 & K58.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K57. Tower Roof (p. 72)</span> and<span class="citation">K58. Bridge (p. 73)</span>.
> [!info]+ **Descending the Offstair**
> Players who descend <span class="citation">K48. Offstair (p. 70)</span> exit the Garrison and enter [[Arc P - Ravenloft Heist#P9. Coven’s Quarters|Coven's Quarters]] via the landing outside [[#P9a. Familiar Room]].
## P10h. Garrison, Seventh Floor
### North Tower Peak
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K60.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K60. North Tower Peak (p. 74)</span>.
A player who inspects the bed notices dark bloodstains coloring the bed and nearby floor. A DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals that the bloodstains can’t be older than a few months old.
A player with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher also notices a large, black, bloodstained feather fallen between the bed’s wooden frame and straw-stuffed mattress. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check identifies the feather as a raven’s, though curiously oversized, such that the raven it belonged to would have had to have been the size of a human.
> [!lore]+ **Bloodstained Bed**
> The bloodstains and feather belong to Elric Martikov, Muriel Vinshaw’s late fiance, who was imprisoned following Doru’s march on Castle Ravenloft and vivisected by Ludmilla Vilisevic. If Muriel is present, she immediately recognizes Elric’s feather, which he always kept “meticulously preened." Heartbroken and overcome with emotion, Muriel asks to be left briefly alone by Elric’s bed to pay her final respects to his memory.
## P10i. Garrison, Eighth Floor
### North Tower Rooftop
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K60a.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K60a. North Tower Rooftop (p. 74)</span>. However, revise this area’s description to read as follows:
<div class="description">
<p>A cold wind greets you atop the tower roof, its rain-slicked flagstones surrounded by a twenty-foot-diameter ring of stone battlements. From the thunderclouds above, thousands of bats descend upon the tower.</p>
The bats arrive in two rounds, rather than three.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the North Tower Rooftop**
> This combat encounter is a **mild** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 12% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of swarms of bats to 7.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of swarms of bats to 9.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of swarms of bats to 12.
# P11. Dungeons
## P11a. Dungeon Hall
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K73.</em></span>
> [!info]+ **Flooded Areas**
> The areas of <span class="citation">K73. Dungeon Hall (p. 82) </span>, <span class="citation">K74. North Dungeon (p. 82) </span>, <span class="citation">K75. North Dungeon (p. 82) </span>, <span class="citation">and K76. Torture Chamber (p. 82) </span> are difficult terrain.
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K73. Dungeon Hall (p. 79)</span>. However, the trapdoors function as follows:
* A trapdoor opens when a Medium- or Small-sized creature steps on it, but can be detected or avoided by knocking on the ground with a ten-foot pole or similar equipment. The trapdoors can also be avoided by swimming through the water. (Each trapdoor is enchanted to appear non-magical through the use of a permanent *Nystul’s magic aura* spell, and therefore doesn’t appear magical beneath the scrutiny of a *detect magic* spell.)
* If a character doesn’t know where a trapdoor is and fails to effectively and intentionally avoid it, they automatically activate it as they pass through its section of the hall. Once a trapdoor activates, the resulting “explosion of air and water" alerts the players to its location, allowing them to navigate around it if they choose.
Additionally, instead of teleporting their victims to cells in the dungeons, the teleporters act as follows:
* ***The First Trapdoor.*** The closest trapdoor to <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stairs (p. 59)</span>, which ordinarily leads to <span class="citation">K74c. Rotting Corpse (p. 80)</span>, instead teleports its victim to the **iron maiden** in [[#P11d. Torture Chamber]] (see below).
* ***The Second Trapdoor.*** The second-closest trapdoor to <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stairs (p. 59)</span>, which ordinarily leads to <span class="citation">K74a. Forgotten Treasure (p. 80)</span>, instead teleports its victim to the **rack** in [[#P11d. Torture Chamber]] (see below).
* ***The Third Trapdoor.*** The third-closest trapdoor to <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stairs (p. 59)</span>, which ordinarily leads to <span class="citation">K74e. End of the Ride (p. 80)</span>, instead teleports its victim to the **brazen bull** in [[#P11d. Torture Chamber]] (see below).
* ***The Fourth Trapdoor.*** The fourth-closest trapdoor to <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stairs (p. 59)</span>, which ordinarily leads to <span class="citation">K74h. Lost Sword (p. 81)</span>, instead teleports its victim to the **breaking wheel** in [[#P11d. Torture Chamber]] (see below).
* ***The Fifth Trapdoor.*** The furthest trapdoor from <span class="citation">K21. South Tower Stairs (p. 59)</span>, which ordinarily leads to <span class="citation">K75d. Dead Dwarf (p. 81)</span>, instead teleports its victim to the **scavenger’s daughter** in [[#P11d. Torture Chamber]] (see below).
## P11b. North Dungeon
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K74.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K74. North Dungeon (p. 80)</span>. However, modify the half-elf corpse in <span class="citation">K74c. Rotting Corpse (p. 80)</span> to be a human corpse instead.
In addition, modify the description of <span class="citation">K74h. Lost Sword (p. 81)</span> to refer to a glowing mace, rather than a glowing blade. The mace has the same properties as the shortsword, but is not sentient, requires no attunement, and allows its wielder to cast *aura of life* rather than *crusader’s mantle*.
> [!info]+ **The Keys to the Cells**
> The keys to the cells are carried on a ring held by Volenta. (If the players killed Volenta in [[Arc D - St. Andral's Feast]], the ring is instead held by Ludmilla.)
## P11c. South Dungeon
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K75.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K75. South Dungeon (p. 81)</span>. However, Emil doesn’t lie to players who tell him that Zuleika sent them, and is surprised, but grateful for their efforts to rescue him. No matter what, Emil doesn’t betray the players to Strahd or Strahd’s minions, and provides his best efforts to assist them in escaping the castle if rescued.
Emil, who has three levels of exhaustion, has been locked in his cell for weeks. He wears a *silverthorn collar* around his neck (see below). If asked, he can share that the key to his collar is held by Volenta or, if Volenta has been killed in [[Arc D - St. Andral's Feast]], Ludmilla. (Emil can share that Ludmilla dwells with her witches’ coven on the highest level of the South Tower, but isn’t sure how to get there from here.)
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Emil Toranescu</h2>
<em>Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger), Neutral Good</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 11 in humanoid form, 12 (natural armor) in wolf or hybrid form
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 97 (15d8 + 30)
<strong>Speed</strong> 30 ft. (40 ft. in wolf form)
<table class="ability-table">
<td data-label="STR">16 (+3)</td>
<td data-label="DEX">13 (+1)</td>
<td data-label="CON">14 (+2)</td>
<td data-label="INT">10 (+0)</td>
<td data-label="WIS">11 (+0)</td>
<td data-label="CHA">10 (+0)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Str +5<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Perception +4, Stealth +3<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision, passive Perception 14<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Common (can't speak in wolf form)<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 3, or 2 without his regeneration<br>
<strong>Proficiency Bonus.</strong> +2<br>
<p><strong><em>Keen Hearing and Smell.</em></strong> Emil has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.</p>
<p><strong><em>Pack Tactics.</em></strong> Emil has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.</p>
<p><strong><em>Regeneration.</em></strong> Emil regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. If he takes necrotic damage or bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from a silvered weapon, this trait doesn't function at the start of his next turn. He dies only if he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Emil makes two melee attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack.</p>
<p><strong><em>Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only).</em></strong> Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. Instead of dealing damage, Emil can grapple the target (escape DC 11). Additionally, if the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.</p>
<p><strong><em>Claws (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only).</em></strong> Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Shapechange.</em></strong> Emil polymorphs into a wolf-humanoid hybrid or into a wolf, or back into his true form, which is humanoid. His statistics, other than his AC, are the same in each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying melds into the new form. He reverts to his true form if he dies.</p>
> [!item]+ **Silverthorn Collar**
> While worn by a lycanthrope, the interior of a *silverthorn collar* extrudes tiny silver thorns each time the lycanthrope attempts to transform, dealing 1 piercing damage and preventing the transformation. Additionally, a lycanthrope wearing the collar can’t regenerate.
> Each collar is magically locked and bears a single, small keyhole, the key to which Kiril wears on a cord around his neck. A locked collar can also be opened with a successful DC 25 Strength check or a successful DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. However, each time a creature attempts to open a collar without first unlocking it, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 31 (7d8) piercing damage. Whether the creature succeeds or fails on the saving throw, the collar’s wearer also immediately takes 31 (7d8) piercing damage as the collar extrudes large thorns that pierce the wearer’s neck.
> The spells *dispel magic* and *knock* have no effect on the collar.
> [!info]+ **The Keys to the Cells**
> The keys to the cells, as well as Emil’s collar, are carried on a ring held by Volenta. (If the players killed Volenta in [[Arc D - St. Andral's Feast]], the ring is instead held by Ludmilla.)
> [!abstract]+ **Milivoj's Prison**
> If Milivoj was imprisoned in Castle Ravenloft in [[Arc D - St. Andral's Feast]], he is locked in <span class="citation">K75c. Empty Cell (p. 81)</span>.
## P11d. Torture Chamber
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K76 & K77.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K76. Torture Chamber (p. 82)</span> and <span class="citation">K77. Observation Balcony (p. 82)</span>. However, remove the reference to the “last victims" of the torture devices in the water. In addition, replace the six **Strahd zombies** with three **zombies**, and add a three-foot amphora and an *alchemy jug* beside the thrones on the balcony. The amphora is filled with several gallons of oil, which is otherwise as described in <span class="citation">Oil (Flask) (Player’s Handbook, p. 152)</span>.
> [!info]+ **Climbing the Balcony**
> A successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check is required to climb the edge of the observation balcony.
If the players failed to placate Volenta during [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil#Volenta’s Toy|Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]], the corpse of Anton Konstantinovich has been turned into an additional **zombie** and is seated in the right-side throne of <span class="citation">K77. Observation Balcony (p. 82)</span>. If combat breaks out, or if any non-undead creatures approach within 5 feet of its throne, this **zombie** attacks and pursues the nearest living creatures within the area.
Otherwise, if the players successfully placated Volenta at dinner, Anton Konstaninovich is imprisoned within a rusted, metallic cage hanging above the southwest corner of the chamber. Though he can’t speak due to his missing tongue, Anton attempts to use gestures and grunts to warn the players of the zombies that dwell within the water, and is grateful to players who rescue him.
> [!info]+ **Torture Devices**
> This room contains the following torture devices: an iron maiden, a rack, a brazen bull, a breaking wheel, and a scavenger’s daughter.
> > [!info]- **The Iron Maiden**
> > This device is a locked, standing sarcophagus whose interior is lined with long, sharp, rusty and bloodstained spikes. A character teleported to this device from [[#P11a. Dungeon Hall]] finds themselves standing within the sarcophagus with dozens of spikes mere milimeters from their flesh.
> >
> > At the end of each of an imprisoned creature’s turns, it must succeed on a DC 10 Acrobatics check, taking 3 (1d6) piercing damage on a failure. If the check fails by 5 or more, the creature takes 6 (2d6) piercing damage instead. If the check fails by 10 or more, the creature takes 12 (4d6) piercing damage instead. The DC increases by 1 every 10 minutes.
> >
> > A creature can open the iron maiden from the inside or outside by succeeding on a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check or a DC 20 Strength check. A creature imprisoned within the iron maiden has disadvantage on any check made to open it, and automatically takes 31 (7d8) piercing damage each time it attempts to do so.
> > [!info]- **The Rack.**
> > This device is a long iron bed frame fitted with iron manacles attached to rusted iron chains. A rusted winch at the top of the bed can be used to extend or retract the chains. A character teleported to this device from [[#P11a. Dungeon Hall]] finds themselves lying upon the bed, with their wrists and ankles imprisoned within the manacles.
> >
> > Each additional time the winch is used to retract the chains, an imprisoned character must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw, taking bludgeoning damage on a failure. The damage begins at 3 (1d6) and increases by an additional 3 (1d6) each time the chains are retracted.
> >
> > The manacles are largely as described in <span class="citation">Player’s Handbook, p. 152</span>, and the chains are as described in <span class="citation">Player’s Handbook, p. 151</span>. However, because both the manacles and chains have rusted with age, creatures have advantage on Strength checks made to break them.
> > [!info]- **The Brazen Bull**
> > This device is a bronze bull with a large, hollow, locked compartment in its stomach. A character teleported to this device from [[#P11a. Dungeon Hall]] finds themselves tucked into the bull’s stomach compartment, their body contorted into fetal position. While imprisoned in this way, a character is restrained.
> >
> > The bull’s stomach also contains a **boneless** (<span class="citation">Van Richten’s Guide, p. 228</span>), which attacks any living creatures on sight.
> >
> > > A creature can open the bull’s stomach compartment by succeeding on a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check or a DC 20 Strength check. A creature imprisoned within the bull has disadvantage on any check made to open it.
> > [!info]- **The Breaking Wheel**
> > This device is a large metal wheel with four rusted iron manacles attached to its circumference. A character teleported to this device from [[#P11a. Dungeon Hall]] finds themselves manacled to the device, their arms and legs spread and shackled against its metal frame. While imprisoned in this way, a character is restrained, and any attack that hits it is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.
> >
> > The manacles are largely as described in <span class="citation">Player’s Handbook, p. 152</span>. However, because the manacles have rusted with age, creatures have advantage on Strength checks made to break them.
> > [!info]- **The Scavenger’s Daughter**
> > This device is a vertical, triangular metal frame with a large bulge at the top, two manacles halfway down the sides, and two additional manacles at the bottom points. A character teleported to this device from [[#P11a. Dungeon Hall]] finds themselves manacled to the device, their head forced into the the upper bulge, their arms strapped into the two manacles at the sides, and their legs strapped into the manacles at the bottom, with their body contorted into an exaggerated and compressed kneeling position. Due to the positioning of the rack, the imprisoned character’s head is also forced underwater.
> >
> > At the end of each of the imprisoned character’s turns, they must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage on a failure. In addition, a character teleported into the scavenger’s daughter is forced to hold their breath as described in <span class="citation">Suffocating (Player’s Handbook, p. 183)</span> unless they can breathe underwater.
> >
> > The manacles are largely as described in <span class="citation">Player’s Handbook, p. 152</span>. However, because the manacles have rusted with age, creatures have advantage on Strength checks made to break them. An imprisoned character can’t remove their head from the frame until they have escaped both manacles.
> [!warning]+ **Escaping the Iron Maiden**
> If a player indicates an interest in breaking themselves free of the iron maiden while trapped inside, warn them that doing so will be highly difficult and will likely cause immense harm to their character whether they succeed or fail. (Players who think of suitably creative or magical ways to escape, of course, can conceivably escape the iron maiden without taking the damage.)
> [!abstract]+ **Rescuing Anton**
> If the players rescue and manage to communicate with Anton (e.g., via writing), he can share the following information about the stairways leading from [[#P11e. Brazier Room]], which he gleaned from Volenta’s taunts and boasts during his imprisonment:
> * The left staircase leads to the office of Rahadin, the castle chamberlain, as well as a “room full of bones" filled with human skeletons and a giant, reptilian skull. (Anton has visited this bone-filled room once before, when Volenta took him there to lovingly coo about her desire to add his skull to one of the piles.)
> * The right staircase leads to the king’s apartments, where Anton has heard a female prisoner is being kept.
> * The central staircase leads to the catacombs and crypts. (Anton can share that bats and vampires dwell there.)
### Meeting Volenta
If she is still alive and the players haven’t encountered her yet in the other areas of [[#P11. Dungeons]], Volenta Popofsky is seated on the left throne on <span class="citation">K77. Observation Balcony (p. 82)</span>, playing with a human skull held in her hand. (The skull belongs to Dezdrelda Konstaninova, Anton’s wife, who Volenta fed to the ghouls after her corpse was drained for blood in [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]].)
Volenta greets the players with mild surprise and congratulates them on surviving the traps and foes elsewhere in the castle. If the players defeated her or otherwise foiled her plot in [[Arc D - St. Andral's Feast]], she informs them that she’s been relishing the opportunity for a rematch, and directs the **zombies** beneath the water to arise and attack.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Torturer**
> Due to the phase mechanic, this combat encounter is a series of two consecutive **mild** combat encounters against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), the first of which will consume approximately 11% of their total maximum hit points and the second of which will consume approximately 6% of their total maximum hit points (for a total of 17% of their maximum hit points). For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Remove the zombies.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of zombies to one.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of zombies to five.
Volenta joins the zombies in attacking the players on her first turn in combat. In addition, on initiative count 20 of the first round of combat, Volenta kicks over the amphora full of oil on the balcony, causing the oil to seep down to cover the surface of the five-foot-square section of water immediately below.
On initiative count 20 of each subsequent round, the oil spreads an additional five feet in every direction. If fire damage is dealt to any creature in a section covered with oil, or if any section of oil is otherwise ignited, the entire oil slick ignites, continuing to burn for the next 2 rounds. A creature that starts its turn in the burning oil takes 5 fire damage.
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Volenta, Alchemical Savant</h2>
<em>Medium undead, chaotic evil</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 15 (natural armor)
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 82 (11d8 + 33)
<strong>Speed</strong> 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>18 (+4)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>14 (+2)</td>
<td>14 (+2)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +7, Wis +5<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Acrobatics +10, Perception +5, Stealth +10<br>
<strong>Damage Resistances</strong> necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Common<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 5 (1,800 XP)<br>
<strong>Proficiency</strong> +3<br>
<p><strong><em>Regeneration.</em></strong> Volenta regains 10 hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If Volenta takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of her next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Spider Climb.</em></strong> Volenta can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.</p>
<p><strong><em>Sunlight Hypersensitivity.</em></strong> While in sunlight, Volenta takes 20 radiant damage at the start of her turn, and she has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.</p>
<strong><em>Bloodlust Frenzy.</em></strong> When Volenta is reduced to 0 hit points, her statistics are instantly replaced by the statistics of her Frenzied Spawn form. Her initiative count doesn't change. Excess damage doesn't carry over to her new form, but she retains any conditions she had in her previous form.
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Volenta uses <strong><em>hail of daggers</em></strong> twice, or <strong><em>hail of daggers</em></strong> once and either <strong><em>thunderstone</em></strong> or <strong><em>froststar</em></strong>.</p>
<p><strong><em>Hail of Daggers.</em></strong> <em>Ranged Weapon Attack:</em> +7 to hit, range 15 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Thunderstone (2/day).</em></strong> Volenta hurls a crystalline shard at a creature, object, or surface within 30 feet. The shard shatters on impact with a blast of concussive energy. Each creature within 10 feet of the point of impact must succeed on a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Constitution saving throw</span> or be knocked prone and pushed 10 feet away from that point. A creature that fails the save is also deafened until the start of Volenta's next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Froststar (3/day).</em></strong> Volenta throws a crystalline shard at a point she can see within 30 feet. The shard explodes on impact, covering the area with thick, icy frost. Each creature within 5 feet of the point of impact must make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Dexterity saving throw</span>. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 cold damage and is restrained by ice until the start of Volenta's next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half the damage and isn't restrained. A restrained creature can use its action to make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Strength check</span> to break free. A 5-foot-square section of ice has AC 10, 15 hit points, vulnerability to bludgeoning and fire damage, and immunity to cold, poison, and psychic damage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Alchemist's Firebomb (1/day).</em></strong> Volenta hurls a flask of concentrated alchemist's fire at a point within 30 feet. The vial shatters on impact and detonates in a 10-foot radius. Any creature in that area must succeed on a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Dexterity saving throw</span> or take 2d6 fire damage and be set ablaze. A creature set ablaze in this way takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns, and can make an additional DC 14 Dexterity saving throw at the end of each of its turns to extinguish the flames.</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Nimble Escape.</em></strong> Volenta takes the Disengage or Hide action.</p>
<p>Volenta can take up to three reactions per round, but only one per turn. If Volenta would lose her reactions and isn't incapacitated, she loses one reaction instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Final Conflagration.</em></strong> When Volenta is reduced to 0 hit points, she can use her alchemist's firebomb if available, centered on herself. (Any damage taken doesn’t carry over to her second form.)</p>
<p><strong><em>Acrobatic Escape.</em></strong> When an attack misses Volenta, she can use her reaction to move up to half her speed without provoking opportunity attacks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Caustic Splash (1/day).</em></strong> When Volenta takes damage from a creature within 5 feet of her, she can use her reaction to splash that creature with caustic chemicals. The creature must make a <span class="highlight">DC 14 Dexterity saving throw</span>. On a failed save, the creature takes <span class="highlight">14 (4d6) acid damage</span> and is blinded until the end of Volenta's next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn't blinded.</p>
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Volenta, Frenzied Spawn</h2>
<em>Medium undead, chaotic evil</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 15 (natural armor)
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 82 (11d8 + 33)
<strong>Speed</strong> 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>18 (+4)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>14 (+2)</td>
<td>14 (+2)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +7, Wis +5<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Acrobatics +10, Perception +5, Stealth +10<br>
<strong>Damage Resistances</strong> necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Common<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 6 (2,300 XP)<br>
<p><strong><em>Regeneration.</em></strong> Volenta regains 10 hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If Volenta takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of the vampire's next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Spider Climb.</em></strong> Volenta can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.</p>
<p><strong><em>Sunlight Hypersensitivity.</em></strong> While in sunlight, Volenta takes 20 radiant damage at the start of her turn, and she has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Blood Frenzy.</em></strong> Volenta has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Volenta makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack. If both attacks hit, she can immediately make one additional attack.</p>
<p><strong><em>Bite.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by Volenta, incapacitated, or restrained. <em>Hit:</em> 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Volenta regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.</p>
<p><strong><em>Claws.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. <em>Hit:</em> 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. Instead of dealing damage, Volenta can grapple the target (escape DC 13).</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Leap.</em></strong> Volenta moves up to her speed without provoking opportunity attacks. As she does, she can replace 10 feet of movement with a 10-foot high jump.</p>
<p><strong><em>Dislocate.</em></strong> Volenta dislocates her joints, automatically escaping any nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has her grappled.</p>
<p><strong><em>Spit Blood.</em></strong> In response to taking damage from a melee attack, Volenta spits a wad of blood at the attacking creature's eyes, forcing it to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature is blinded until the end of its next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Aggress.</em></strong> In response to taking damage from an attack or spell, Volenta moves up to her speed toward a hostile creature she can see without provoking opportunity attacks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Abscond.</em></strong> In response to escaping a grapple, Volenta uses her <strong><em>leap</em></strong> feature.</p>
## P11e. Brazier Room
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K78.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>. However, revise the brazier’s riddle to read as follows:
<div class="description">
<p>Cast a stone into the fire<br>
Violet for the cursed mire<br>
Orange to the lonely tower<br>
Red to where the monkshood flowers<br>
Green to where the coffins trade<br>
Indigo to castle’s shade<br>
Blue to where the grapes grow sweet<br>
Yellow for the mountain keep<br>
In addition, revise the stones’ destinations as follows:
* Violet leads to <span class="citation">U5. Marina’s Monument (p. 164)</span> in Berez.
* Orange leads to <span class="citation">V4. Tower, First Floor (p. 170)</span> in Van Richten’s Tower.
* Red leads to the Shrine of the White Sun in <span class="citation">S4. Pool and Shrine (p. 146)</span> in Krezk.
* Green leads to <span class="citation">N6f. Vampire Nest (p. 118)</span> in the Coffin Maker’s Shop in Vallaki.
* Indigo leads to <span class="citation">E6. Cemetery (p. 48)</span> in the Village of Barovia.
* Blue leads to <span class="citation">W6. Well (p. 176)</span> near the Wizard of Wines.
* Yellow leads to <span class="citation">T4. Guard Tower, Ground Floor (p. 157)</span> in the guard tower at Tsolenka Pass.
A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check identifies “monkshood" as a colloquial name for wolfsbane.
Players who investigate the exits from this room can observe the following points of interest:
* A player who investigates <span class="citation">K79. Western Stair (p. 84)</span> (leading to <span class="citation">K72. Chamberlain’s Office (p. 79)</span>) observes a humanoid silhouette appearing to observe them from the far side of the landing. Once noticed, the silhouette quickly ducks out of sight. (The silhouette is a **shadow**. See [[#P11f. Western Stair]] for more information about the shadow if the players attempt to confront or communicate with it.)
* A player who investigates <span class="citation">K80. Center Stair (p. 84)</span> (leading to <span class="citation">K81. Tunnel (p. 84)</span> and <span class="citation">K84. Catacombs (p. 85)</span>) observes only the thick, opaque fog, which limits visibility as described in <span class="citation">K81. Tunnel (p. 84)</span>.
* A player who investigates <span class="citation">K83. Spiral Stair (p. 85)</span> (leading to <span class="citation">K37. Study (p. 66)</span>) observes a woman’s slipper lying discarded on one of the upper stairs, just before the spiral staircase curves out of sight. A DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check suggests that the slipper’s owner was traveling up the staircase, rather than down. (The slipper is Gertruda’s, and was left here by Strahd to lure the players toward her bedchamber.)
* A player who investigates the door leading toward <span class="citation">K77. Observation Balcony (p. 82)</span> finds a pale, white mask hanging from the handle. Players who previously encountered Anton Konstantinovich in [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil#Volenta’s Toy|Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]] recognize the mask as his.
> [!abstract]+ **Rahadin's Challenge**
> This arc assumes the players visit the catacombs after completing all other major objectives (i.e., rescuing Gertruda, freeing Emil, and obtaining Argynvost's skull). When they do, Rahadin obstructs their departure from the catacombs after they visit St. Markovia's crypt, as described in [[#South Crypts, Third Row]].
> Should the players instead visit St. Markovia's crypt before completing one of their other three major objectives, Rahadin doesn't appear in the catacombs. Instead, once the players move to depart Castle Ravenloft, Rahadin appears to obstruct their departure the next time they pass through one of the following areas:
> * <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via <span class="citation">K7. Entry (p. 54)</span>,
> * <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via the teleportation brazier there,
> * <span class="citation">K23. Servants' Entrance (p. 59)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via that route,
> * <span class="citation">K46. Parapets (p. 68)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave by that route, and
> * <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span> otherwise.
> If Rahadin confronts the players in <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, he removes the seven stones set into the brazier's rim and places them into a small leather pouch before they enter the room. He then ties the leather pouch to his belt. If the players notice the stones' disappearance before noticing Rahadin's ***screams of the dead***, he emerges from his hiding place behind one of the iron golems and asks, "Looking for these?" A player can attempt to sever the pouch from Rahadin's belt by making an attack against Rahadin's AC with disadvantage. On a hit, the pouch is severed if the string tying it to Rahadin's belt takes at least 1 point of piercing, slashing, fire, acid, necrotic, radiant, or force damage. Rahadin also automatically drops the pouch if he uses the *amulet of Ravenloft* to pass through a wall, ceiling, or floor of the castle.
> See [[#South Crypts, Third Row]] for more information about Rahadin's statistics and appearance.
## P11f. Western Stair
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K79.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K79. Western Stair (p. 84)</span>. However, remove the *glyph of warding*. Instead, a curious, yet fearful **shadow** lurks here.
If the players approach the staircase from <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, the shadow flees upward, squeezing through the secret door to <span class="citation">K72. Chamberlain’s Office (p. 79)</span> and concealing itself within one of the drawers of Rahadin’s desk. (The shadow isn’t very good at hiding, allowing part of its ephemeral, shroud-like body to extrude through the drawer’s keyhole.)
If the players enter the staircase via the secret door in <span class="citation">K72. Chamberlain’s Office (p. 79)</span>, the shadow flees downward, concealing itself behind the western **iron golem** in <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>. While the players remain in <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, the shadow amuses itself by pretending to be a player’s shadow. A player with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or greater notices that the chosen player has an extra shadow.
This **shadow**, which understands Common but can’t speak it, is the remnant of a spirit that died in the castle long ago. If confronted in either the Chamberlain’s Office or Brazier Room, the shadow attempts to assure the players through nonverbal gestures that it intends them no harm. Fearful of the other creatures that lurk in Strahd’s domain, the shadow won’t follow the players elsewhere in the castle.
> [!abstract]+ **Reuniting the Shadows**
> If the players reunite this shadow with its friend from [[#First Floor South Archers’ Post]], the shadows swirl happily around one another in greeting. As a show of thanks, the shadows then attempt to lead the players to the loose flagstone in the southeast alcove of <span class="citation">K71. Kingsmen Quarters (p. 79)</span>, then disappear together into a nearby crack in the wall.
> [!info]+ **Ascending the Stair**
> A player who departs the western stair via the secret door to <span class="citation">K72. Chamberlain’s Office (p. 79)</span> exits the dungeons and enters [[#P10. Garrison]] via [[#Chamberlain’s Office]].
## P11g. Catacomb Tunnel
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K81 & K82.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K81. Tunnel (p. 84)</span> and <span class="citation">K82. Marble Slide (p. 85)</span>.
> [!info]+ **Exiting the Tunnel**
> A player who exits the eastern end of the tunnel exits the dungeons and enters [[#P12. Catacombs]] via [[#North Crypts, First Row]].
# P12. Catacombs
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K84.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K84. Catacombs (p. 85)</span>, except where denoted otherwise below.
> [!abstract]+ **Rahadin's Challenge**
> This arc assumes the players visit the catacombs after completing all other major objectives (i.e., rescuing Gertruda, freeing Emil, and obtaining Argynvost's skull). When they do, Rahadin obstructs their departure from the catacombs after they visit St. Markovia's crypt, as described in [[#South Crypts, Third Row]].
> Should the players instead visit St. Markovia's crypt before completing one of their other three major objectives, Rahadin doesn't appear in the catacombs. Instead, once the players move to depart Castle Ravenloft, Rahadin appears to obstruct their departure the next time they pass through one of the following areas:
> * <span class="citation">K8. Great Entry (p. 55)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via <span class="citation">K7. Entry (p. 54)</span>,
> * <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via the teleportation brazier there,
> * <span class="citation">K23. Servants' Entrance (p. 59)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave via that route,
> * <span class="citation">K46. Parapets (p. 68)</span>, if the players are attempting to leave by that route, and
> * <span class="citation">K20. Heart of Sorrow (p. 59)</span> otherwise.
> If Rahadin confronts the players in <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span>, he removes the seven stones set into the brazier's rim and places them into a small leather pouch before they enter the room. He then ties the leather pouch to his belt. If the players notice the stones' disappearance before noticing Rahadin's ***screams of the dead***, he emerges from his hiding place behind one of the iron golems and asks, "Looking for these?" A player can attempt to sever the pouch from Rahadin's belt by making an attack against Rahadin's AC with disadvantage. On a hit, the pouch is severed if the string tying it to Rahadin's belt takes at least 1 point of piercing, slashing, fire, acid, necrotic, radiant, or force damage. Rahadin also automatically drops the pouch if he uses the *amulet of Ravenloft* to pass through a wall, ceiling, or floor of the castle.
> See [[#South Crypts, Third Row]] for more information about Rahadin's statistics and appearance.
## P12a. North Catacombs
### North Crypts
#### North Crypts, First Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 1 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 2 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 3 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 4 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 5 (p. 86)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 6 (p. 86)</span>. However, replace the epigraph and contents of Crypt 6 with the epigraph and contents of <span class="citation">Crypt 40 (p. 93)</span>, and remove the trap surrounding Crypt 6.
Players who exit <span class="citation">K81. Tunnel (p. 84)</span> via Crypt 1, or who approach the intersection between Crypts 2, 7, and 8 observe a human corpse lying on the stone floor just south of <span class="citation">Crypt 2 (p. 87)</span>. (The corpse is a **zombie. See below for more information.**)
#### North Crypts, Second Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 7 (p. 87)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 8 (p. 87)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 9 (p. 87)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 10 (p. 87)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 11 (p. 87)</span>. However, a player who picks up Tasha Petrovna’s holy symbol in <span class="citation">Crypt 11 (p. 87)</span> does not hear a message.
In addition, a human corpse lies sprawled across the floor immediately south of <span class="citation">Crypt 2 (p. 87)</span>. If approached, the corpse rises as a **zombie** and attacks.
Players who fight the **zombie** south of Crypt 2, or who attempt to avoid the zombie by descending to [[#North Crypts, Third Row]] via any other intersection, draw the attention of a **vampire spawn** lurking amidst the catacombs. Read:
<div class="description">
<p>You hear a rustling in the distance. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a flicker of movement against the arched ceiling of the catacombs to the south—and then you blink, and it vanishes from sight.</p>
The vampire attempts to remain hidden from the players by clinging to the ceiling, remaining within the shadows, and staying constantly on the move. If able to do so without detection, the vampire opens the stone door to <span class="citation">Crypt 14 (p. 88)</span> and clings to the edge of the shaft, waiting for a character to investigate; when a creature comes within reach, the vampire attacks with its ***unarmed strike*** and attempts to drag its prey down into the shaft before dropping it down into the vault below. If the players avoid the open door to Crypt 14, the vampire spawn exits the crypt and continues to skulk through the catacombs.
The vampire also attacks the players if cornered, or if it finds a character isolated from the rest of the party. (Like all of Strahd’s minions, however, the vampire never attacks Ireena.) No matter the case, once the vampire has isolated and attacked its prey, it attempts to grapple them with its ***unarmed strike***, then hungrily drains them of blood using its ***bite.***
Players with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or more occasionally hear distant rustling or catch glimpses of the vampire’s shadow out of the corner of their eye, indicating its current location.
#### North Crypts, Third Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 12 (p. 87)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 13 (p. 88)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 14 (p. 88)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 15 (p. 88)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 16 (p. 89)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 17 (p. 89)</span>. However, replace the epigraph on Crypt 16 to read “Elsa Fallona, Beloved Actor."
***Crypt 15.*** Speaking the name “Khazan" inside Crypt 15 does not cause a *staff of power* to materialize. Instead, the back wall of the crypt is engraved with eight arcane runes and the inscription: “The one who marks my seal with their mastery may prove themselves worthy to inherit my legacy." A player with proficiency in Arcana, or who makes a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check, identifies the runes as the symbols of the eight schools of magic. The order of the symbols, moving clockwise around the engraving, is: illusion, abjuration, necromancy, conjuration, divination, enchantment, transmutation, evocation.
A creature can cast a spell, including a cantrip or ritual spell, into an engraved rune. If the spell cast is of the same school of magic as the school the rune represents, the rune glows with the color of its corresponding school of magic: evocation (red), divination (silver), illusion (purple), transmutation (green), conjuration (brown), abjuration (yellow), enchantment (pink), and necromancy (blue).
The runes must be activated in the same order as [[Arc E - The Missing Vistana#1. The Tower Door|the buttons on the door of Khazan’s tower at Lake Baratok]]. The two possible proper sequences are:
* evocation, divination, illusion, transmutation, conjuration, abjuration, enchantment, necromancy
* necromancy, enchantment, abjuration, conjuration, transmutation, illusion, divination, evocation
If a spell of the wrong school is cast into a rune, or if the runes are activated in the wrong order, the eight runes erupt with magical energy. Each creature within the crypt must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 5d8 thunder damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once the runes release this energy, they become inert for the next twenty-four hours.
If the proper sequence is activated, Khazan's staff (see below) materializes above the marble slab and hovers in place, crackling with magical power. The first character to grab hold of the staff must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save. If the character releases the staff, it vanishes. If this occurs, the runes cannot be activated again for one year.
If the character continues to hold the staff, glowing, blue lines of pure, arcane energy begin to snake through its veins, beginning with the creature’s hand. While holding the staff in this way, the character can feel a wild, defiant magic raging within it.
At the end of each turn the character continues to hold the staff, they can make a DC 17 Intelligence or Charisma saving throw (the character’s choice) to resist and control the staff’s magic. Depending on how far the staff’s energy has progressed into the character’s body, the following effects then occur, with the arcane surge beginning at the player's hand:
| Arcane Surge | Success | Failure |
| Hand | The arcane surge ends and the player can immediately attune to the staff. | The player takes 1d6 force damage and the staff’s energy progresses to the player’s arm.|
| Arm | The staff’s energy recedes to the player’s hand. | The player takes 1d6 force damage and the staff’s energy progresses to the player’s shoulder.|
| Shoulder | The staff’s energy recedes to the player’s arm. | The player takes 2d6 force damage and the staff’s energy progresses to the player’s chest.|
| Chest | The staff’s energy recedes to the player’s shoulder. | The player takes 8d8 force damage.|
The player can release the staff at any time. If they release the staff while the arcane surge is active, the staff vanishes, and the runes cannot be activated again for one year.
<span class="credit">"Khazan's Staff" by Caleb Cleveland. Support him on <a href="https://patreon.com/calebisdrawing/">Patreon!</a></span>
> [!item]+ **Khazan's Staff**
> *Staff, weapon, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)*
> *Simple weapon, melee weapon*
> 4 lb. | 1d6 bludgeoning - versatile (1d8)
> This elegant platinum staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to weapon attack and damage rolls made with it. In addition, while wielding it, you gain the benefits of wearing a _robe of the archmagi_ <span class="citation">(<em>Dungeon Master's Guide</em> (p. 194)</span>.
### Sergei’s Tomb
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K85.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K85. Sergei’s Tomb (p. 93)</span>. However, Sergei’s armor is nonmagical and ceremonial, rather than practical, and cannot be used as plate armor.
## P12b. Central Catacombs
### Central Crypts
#### Central Crypts, North Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 18 (p. 89)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 19 (p. 89)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 20 (p. 89)</span>. However, Sasha does not attack the players if encountered in her crypt. (Strahd has ordered her to remain here, and she cannot depart her crypt if asked.)
#### Central Crypts, South Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 21 (p. 89)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 22 (p. 90)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 23 (p. 90)</span>. However, Crypt 21 does not contain Patrina’s **banshee**. (Patrina’s spirit instead resides in the Amber Temple.) In addition, the epigraph on Crypt 23 bears the name of the character whose skill, arrogance, and power have impressed Strahd the most.
### King & Queen’s Tomb
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K87 & K88.</em></span>
This area is as described in <span class="citation">K87. Guardians (p. 94)</span> and <span class="citation">K88. Tomb of King Barov and Queen Ravenovia (p. 94)</span>.
## P12c. South Catacombs
### South Crypts
#### South Crypts, First Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 24 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 25 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 26 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 27 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 28 (p. 90)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 29 (p. 91)</span>. However, remove the **giant wolf spiders** from Crypt 27, and replace the *luck blade* in Crypt 29 with a set of *+2 studded leather armor*.
#### South Crypts, Second Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 30 (p. 91)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 31 (p. 91)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 32 (p. 91)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 33 (p. 91)</span> and <span class="citation">Crypt 34 (p. 92)</span>. However, revise the epigraph on Crypt 33 to read “St. Finderway, Saint of Lost Travelers," and replace Sir Klutz’s remains with a set of human bones lying beside an *orb of direction* (<span class="citation">Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, p. 138</span>) hanging from a leather cord.
In addition, remove the **imp** from Crypt 34, and place the *Spear of the Huntress* inside of the sarcophagus there.
> [!item]+ **Spear of the Huntress**
> This six-foot shaft of ash wood is adorned with carvings of wild animals, vines, and leaves, and bears a simple, yet sharp stone head. When first recovered from Dostron’s sarcophagus, it has the properties of a *blood spear* (<span class="citation">Blood Spear, p. 221</span>), but its wielder gains only a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it instead of +2. (The spear was corrupted long ago by the influence of Kavan and the Devourer, and can be restored only by reconsecrating the Forest Fane at Yester Hill, which the players can learn about at the Mountain Folk settlement of Soldav on Mount Ghakis.)
#### South Crypts, Third Row
This row of crypts is largely as described in <span class="citation">Crypt 35 (p. 92)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 36 (p. 92)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 37 (p. 92)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 38 (p. 92)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 39 (p. 93)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 40 (p. 93)</span>. However, the **hell hounds** and General Grislek’s **wraith** do not emerge from Crypt 38 when it is first opened. In addition, Beucephalus cannot be found in Crypt 39 at this time. Finally, move the invisible teleport traps described in <span class="citation">Teleport Traps (p. 85)</span> to the base of the stairs in Strahd’s tomb (see below).
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Thirty-Fifth Crypt**
> This combat encounter is a **bruising** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 21% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of ghouls to 4.
> * **Four Players**. Reduce the number of ghouls to 5.
> * **Six Players**. Increase the number of ghouls to 7.
***Crypt 40.*** Replace the epigraph and contents of Crypt 40 with the epigraph and contents of <span class="citation">Crypt 6 (p. 86)</span>, including the **poison dart trap** protecting it (see <span class="citation">Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 123</span>). However, reduce the number of darts to two, and replace the darts’ attack rolls with two DC 15 Dexterity saving throws (one per dart). In addition, replace Saint Markovia’s thighbone with the *Icon of Dawn’s Grace* (see below), and remove the whispered message from Saint Markovia’s spirit.
> [!item]+ **Icon of Dawn’s Grace**
> The *Icon of Dawn’s Grace* is largely as described in <span class="citation">Icon of Ravenloft (p. 222)</span>, but is an eight-inch-tall statuette, and does not grant the benefits of a *protection from evil and good* spell. Instead, it gains the following additional feature, which can be used only by a creature attuned to the icon:
> ***Protection from Evil.*** You can present the icon as an action to grant yourself and each creature within 30 feet of you the effect of a *protection from evil and good* spell against fiends and undead until the start of your next turn. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
> The *Icon of Dawn’s Grace* is a sentient magic item (see <span class="citation">Dungeon Master’s Guide, p. 214)</span> inhabited and empowered by a shard of the Abbot’s divine consciousness. The icon, which is Lawful Good, has hearing and darkvision out to 120 feet and the Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of a **deva**. In addition, it can understand all languages and communicate telepathically with any character that carries or wields it.
> The icon, which greets its carrier or wielder warmly, can share the following information if requested:
> * It is a shard of the divinity of the **deva** Ithuriel, an angelic servant of the Morninglord, placed within the icon to mark the Morninglord’s anointed prophet with His grace and provide her counsel.
> * More than four hundred years ago, Ithuriel bestowed it upon the cleric Saint Markovia, who was “wise beyond her years," and a zealous, yet compassionate follower of the Morninglord.
> * Markovia took the icon to the valley that would one day be called Barovia, and there founded an abbey upon a spur of Mount Baratok, which she held out as a refuge to victims of the conflicts beyond the valley.
> * After Strahd von Zarovich conquered the valley and became a vampire, Saint Markovia marched forth to Castle Ravenloft with her followers, but all were destroyed in the ensuing clash. Saint Markovia’s remains were laid to rest in this crypt, the icon left beside them.
> If provided the Abbot’s description, the icon recognizes his appearance as one of the guises Ithuriel once used to walk among mortals on the Material Plane. If informed of the Abbot’s corruption and fall from grace, the icon urges the players to bring it to the Abbey and present it to the Abbot, so that the Abbot can reunite with its untainted divinity and cleanse the corruption that lies upon his spirit.
> [!abstract]+ **Rahadin Attacks**
> Immediately after the players exit Saint Markovia’s crypt with the *Icon of Dawn’s Grace*, they hear the familiar sound of Rahadin’s ***deathly choir.*** Read:
> <hr><br>
> <em>Your ears fill with a hauntingly familiar sound: a cacophony of a thousand voices pleading, suffering, dying, as they swell into a torrential chorus of screams.</em>
> <br><br><hr>
> If the players make no response, Rahadin waits for them to approach the [[#Central Crypts]], then makes his attack at the most advantageous moment. Otherwise, if the players demand for Rahadin to reveal himself, or otherwise visibly prepare for hostilities, Rahadin steps forth from the shadows and bemusedly asks “what gave him away." If informed that his ***deathly chorus*** revealed his location, Rahadin nods thoughtfully, sharing that he’s “never been able to hear the voices himself."
> Rahadin then warns the players that they carry “things that are not theirs to possess," and offers them an opportunity to drop their weapons and surrender, so that they may be imprisoned in the castle dungeons until “the lord of the keep returns." Rahadin coldly adds that defiance or resistance shall result in worse fates than swift acquiescence.
> If the players refuse to lay down their arms, Rahadin intones, “So be it," and attacks.
> In his first phase, Rahadin uses guerilla hit-and-run tactics, leveraging his high mobility to attack the players from multiple directions before concealing himself and repeating the process. In his second phase, Rahadin fights with bloodthirsty abandon, but saves a reaction to activate the *amulet of Ravenloft* when reduced to 0 hit points or fewer (see below). When he does so, Rahadin uses the reaction's extra movement to retreat from battle by passing through a nearby wall or floor. (Determined to warn Strahd of the players' exploits, Rahadin isn't willing to die here.)
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Chamberlain**
> Due to the phase mechanic, this combat encounter is a series of two consecutive **bloody** combat encounters against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), the first of which will consume approximately 37% of their total maximum hit points and the second of which will consume approximately 42% of their total maximum hit points (for a total of 79% of their maximum hit points). For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * Three Players. Reduce Rahadin’s hit points in each phase to 127. Reduce his first phase’s ***multiattack*** to only one attack, but increase his ***wind strike*** and ***whirling blades*** reactions to 10 (3d6) damage each. Limit his ***punishing strike*** reaction to 2/round, and decrease the damage of his ***psychic scream*** to 7 (2d6) damage. Reduce his second phase’s ***multiattack*** to two attacks and limit ***riposte*** to 2/round. Finally, reduce his ***deathly choir***’s damage to 7 (2d6).
> * Four Players. Reduce Rahadin’s hit points in each phase to 154. Limit his first phase’s ***punishing strike*** to 2/round, but increase the damage of his bonus actions to 9 (2d8). Reduce his ***multiattack*** in his second phase to two attacks.
> * Six Players. Increase Rahadin’s hit points to 206 in each phase. Increase his ***multiattack*** in his first phase to three attacks, but reduce the damage of his bonus actions to 5 (2d4). Increase his ***multiattack*** in his second phase to four attacks.
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Rahadin, Castle Chamberlain</h2>
<em>Medium humanoid (elf), lawful evil</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 18 (studded leather)
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 180 (24d8 + 72)
<strong>Speed</strong> 35 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td>14 (+2)</td>
<td>22 (+6)</td>
<td>17 (+3)</td>
<td>15 (+2)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>18 (+4)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +11, Wis +8<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Acrobatics +11, Deception +9, Insight +8, Intimidation +14, Perception +13, Stealth +16<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 23<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Common, Elvish<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 14<br>
<strong>Proficiency</strong> +5<br>
<p><strong><em>Screams of the Dead.</em></strong> Any creature within 10 feet of Rahadin that isn't protected by a <em>mind blank</em> spell hears in its mind the screams of the thousands of people Rahadin has killed.</p>
<p><strong><em>Fey Ancestry.</em></strong> Rahadin has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put him to sleep.</p>
<p><strong><em>Indomitable.</em></strong> If Rahadin would fail a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. If he does so, he is hindered until the end of his next turn. While hindered, he is slowed, can use one less reaction per round, and can't use his multiattack. (A creature can be hindered multiple times. Each additional time a creature is hindered, it loses an additional reaction (minimum zero). Other effects of being hindered don't stack.)
<p><strong><em>Innate Spellcasting.</em></strong> Rahadin's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence. He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:<br>
- 3/day: phantom steed<br>
- 1/day: nondetection</p>
<p><strong><em>Mask of the Wild.</em></strong> Rahadin can attempt to hide even when he is only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.</p>
<p><strong><em>Murderous Instinct.</em></strong> When Rahadin drops to 0 hit points, he stows his saber and draws his twin scimitars, <em>Thorn</em> and <em>Chain</em>. His statistics are then instantly replaced by the statistics of his second form. His initiative count doesn't change. Excess damage doesn't carry over to his new form, and he doesn’t retain any conditions he had in his previous form.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Rahadin makes two attacks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Saber.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 11 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage, and Rahadin can push the target up to 5 feet away. Instead of pushing the target, Rahadin can force it to succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.</p>
<p><strong><em>Poisoned Dart.</em></strong> <em>Ranged Weapon Attack:</em> +11 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 14 (1d4 + 6 plus 2d4) piercing and poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of Rahadin's next turn.</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Wind Strike.</em></strong> Rahadin moves up to his speed in a straight line toward an unoccupied space he can see, including through enemy spaces, without provoking opportunity attacks. Each creature within 5 feet of a space he passes through must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p>
<p><strong><em>Whirling Blades.</em></strong> Each creature within 10 feet of Rahadin must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.</p>
<p>Rahadin can take up to three reactions per round, though no more than one per turn. If Rahadin would lose his reactions and isn't incapacitated, he loses one reaction instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Punishing Strike.</em></strong> When Rahadin is hit by a melee or ranged attack, he can use his reaction to move up to his speed toward the attacker and make an attack with his saber. This movement doesn't trigger opportunity attacks.</p>
<p><strong><em>Disarm.</em></strong> When an enemy misses Rahadin with a melee attack while wielding a weapon, he can use his reaction to force that enemy to make a DC 19 Strength saving throw, with advantage if the enemy is holding the weapon with two hands. On a failure, the enemy drops the item, which is knocked 10 feet away.</p>
<p><strong><em>Misty Step (1/round).</em></strong> When an enemy misses Rahadin with an attack or deals damage to him, he can use his reaction to cast <em>misty step</em>. He can then immediately take the Hide action. Rahadin doesn't need to see his destination when casting <em>misty step</em> in this way.</p>
<p><strong><em>Psychic Scream (1/day).</em></strong> When Rahadin is reduced to 0 hit points, he can use his reaction to cause his deathly choir to release a terrible scream. Each creature within 60 feet of Rahadin must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) psychic damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. If a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also stunned until the start of Rahadin's next turn.</p>
> [!info]+ **Rahadin's _Misty Step_**
> As noted in <span class="citation">Hiding (<em>Player's Handbook</em>, p. 177)</span>, Rahadin cannot hide from a creature unless he is heavily obscured, behind full cover, or lightly obscured by natural phenomena described in his ***mask of the wild*** feature. (Rahadin's ***mask of the wild*** doesn't extend to ordinary shadows or dim lighting.)
> If Rahadin successfully hides, but subsequently loses the conditions that made it possible for him to hide (e.g., heavy obscurement or full cover), he is no longer hidden. (For example, if Rahadin uses his *misty step* to teleport around a corner and successfully hides there, but a player then walks around the corner, Rahadin is no longer hidden.)
<div class="statblock">
<h2>Rahadin, Kinslayer</h2>
<em>Medium humanoid (elf), lawful evil</em>
<strong>Armor Class</strong> 18 (studded leather)
<strong>Hit Points</strong> 180 (24d8 + 72)
<strong>Speed</strong> 35 ft.
<table class="ability-table">
<td>14 (+2)</td>
<td>22 (+6)</td>
<td>17 (+3)</td>
<td>15 (+2)</td>
<td>16 (+3)</td>
<td>18 (+4)</td>
<strong>Saving Throws</strong> Dex +11, Wis +8<br>
<strong>Skills</strong> Acrobatics +11, Deception +9, Insight +8, Intimidation +14, Perception +13, Stealth +16<br>
<strong>Senses</strong> darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 23<br>
<strong>Languages</strong> Common, Elvish<br>
<strong>Challenge</strong> 15<br>
<strong>Proficiency</strong> +5<br>
<p><strong><em>Screams of the Dead.</em></strong> Any creature within 10 feet of Rahadin that isn't protected by a <em>mind blank</em> spell hears in its mind the screams of the thousands of people Rahadin has killed.</p>
<p><strong><em>Fey Ancestry.</em></strong> Rahadin has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put him to sleep.</p>
<p><strong><em>Indomitable.</em></strong> If Rahadin would fail a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. If he does so, he is hindered until the end of his next turn. While hindered, he is slowed, can use one less reaction per round, and can't use his multiattack. (A creature can be hindered multiple times. Each additional time a creature is hindered, it loses an additional reaction (minimum zero). Other effects of being hindered don't stack.)
<p><strong><em>Mask of the Wild.</em></strong> Rahadin can attempt to hide even when he is only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.</p>
<p><strong><em>Multiattack.</em></strong> Rahadin makes three attacks with his scimitars <strong><em>Thorn</em></strong> and/or <strong><em>Chain</em></strong>. He can replace one attack with his <strong><em>haunt</em></strong> feature.
<p><strong><em>Thorn.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 9 (1d6 + 6) slashing damage, and Rahadin can force the target to make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or bleed for the next 1 minute. (A bleeding target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns or take an additional 1d6 slashing damage. On a success or upon receiving magical healing, the target is no longer bleeding.)
<p><strong><em>Chain.</em></strong> <em>Melee Weapon Attack:</em> +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 9 (1d6 + 6) slashing damage, and Rahadin can force the target to make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn. If the target fails by 5 or more, it also falls prone.
<p><strong><em>Haunt.</em></strong> Rahadin forces a creature he can see within 30 feet to succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage and be frightened and deafened by shrieking souls until the start of his next turn.</p>
<h3>Bonus Actions</h3>
<p><strong><em>Deathly Choir.</em></strong> Each creature within 10 feet of Rahadin that isn't protected by a <em>mind blank</em> spell must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) psychic damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. If a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also frightened until the start of Rahadin's next turn.</p>
<p><strong><em>Swift Step.</em></strong> Rahadin takes the Dash or Disengage action.
<p>Rahadin can take up to three reactions per round, though no more than one per turn. If Rahadin would lose his reactions and isn't incapacitated, he loses one reaction instead.</p>
<p><strong><em>Parry.</em></strong> Rahadin adds +5 to his Armor Class against one melee or ranged attack that would hit him or to the result of a failed Dexterity saving throw, or takes no damage from <em>magic missile</em> this turn. If he causes a melee attack to miss in this way, he can then immediately use an additional reaction, if available, to use his Riposte against the attacker.</p>
<p><strong><em>Riposte.</em></strong> When an enemy misses Rahadin with a melee attack, he can use his reaction to move up to his speed to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of that enemy without triggering opportunity attacks. He can then immediately make an attack with <strong><em>Thorn</em></strong> or <strong><em>Chain</em></strong> attack against that enemy with advantage.</p>
<p><strong><em>Amulet of Ravenloft (1/day).</em></strong> When Rahadin is reduced to 50 hit points or fewer, he can use his reaction to end all effects currently affecting him, and use the <em>Amulet of Ravenloft</em> (see below). If he was reduced to 0 hit points, he drops to 1 hit point instead and suffers an internal injury as described in <span class="citation">Lingering Injuries (Dungeon Master's Guide, p. 272)</span>. He can then move up to his speed without triggering opportunity attacks.</p>
> [!item]+ **Amulet of Ravenloft**
> *Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a creature chosen by Strahd)*
> The Amulet of Ravenloft is an onyx pendant engraved with the von Zarovich crest—a raven with its wings spread before a tall shield bearing the sigil of Castle Ravenloft—that hangs from an intricate silver chain. As an action, its wielder can present the amulet and speak the words: “I call upon the guardians of Ravenloft to enact their master’s will." The amulet’s wielder then gains the following effects for 1 hour while within Castle Ravenloft:
> * The wielder gains the lair actions described in <span class="citation">Lair Actions (p. 239)</span>, and gains the ability to pass through solid walls, doors, ceilings, and floors as if they weren’t there.
> * Every crypt door in <span class="citation">K84. Catacombs (p. 85)</span> swings open.
> * The **skeletons** in <span class="citation">Crypt 2 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 3 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 5 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 2 (p. 86)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 8 (p. 87)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 9 (p. 87)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 10 (p. 87)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 13 (p. 88)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 16 (p. 89)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 17 (p. 89)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 19 (p. 89)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 24 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 25 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 26 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 28 (p. 90)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 30 (p. 91)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 33 (p. 91)</span>, <span class="citation">Crypt 36 (p. 92)</span>, and <span class="citation">Crypt 37 (p. 92)</span> animate. The following round, each skeleton emerges from its crypt, pursuing and attacking any intruders on sight. (Skeletons without weapons can make only unarmed strikes and grapples.)
> * All one hundred **skeletons** in <span class="citation">Crypt 14 (p. 88)</span> animate. Over the following three rounds, the skeletons form a living ladder, allowing any remaining **wights** in the vault to climb from the shaft and emerge from the crypt, pursuing and attacking any intruders on sight. 2d6 armed **skeletons** emerge from the crypt each subsequent round, until all skeletons have emerged.
> * On initiative count 20 of the third round after the amulet is activated, the **hell hounds** and **wraith** described in <span class="citation">Crypt 38 (p. 92)</span> begin to manifest in their crypt, coalescing fully from brimstone smoke three rounds later. They then emerge to pursue any intruders still remaining in the catacombs or [[#P11g. Catacomb Tunnel]].
> * The **iron golems** in <span class="citation">K78. Brazier Room (p. 82)</span> begin to animate, activating fully on initiative count 20 of the fifteenth round after the amulet is activated. (Creatures in the Brazier Room while the golems are activating can observe their limbs and heads slowly grinding to life, their lifeless gazes locking onto any intruders present in their chamber.)
> * The **red dragon wyrmling** statues in the [[#Main Entrance]], as well as any remaining **gargoyles** in the [[#Main Foyer]] and any remaining **wights** still guarding the castle walls (see [[#P2d. Crossing the Chasm]]), animate and begin moving toward the amulet’s wielder.
> Once used in this way, the amulet can't be activated again until thirty days have passed.
### Strahd’s Tomb
<span class="citation"><em>This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Area K86.</em></span>
This area is largely as described in <span class="citation">K86. Strahd’s Tomb (p. 93)</span>. However, the teleport traps described in <span class="citation">Teleport Traps (p. 85)</span> form a protective ring around the base of the staircase that descends into the tomb, rather than around the entrance to the tomb. In addition, replace the three vampiric brides buried in the earth near the east wall with three anonymous **vampire spawn** created from ordinary Barovians.
> [!combat]- **Balancing the Tomb of the Darklord**
> This combat encounter is a **mild** combat encounter against a party of five 7th-level players, a CR 2 ally (Ireena Kolyana), and a CR 4 ally (Ezmerelda d’Avenir), and will consume approximately 16% of their total maximum hit points. For parties of smaller or larger sizes, modify the encounter as follows:
> * **Three Players**. Reduce the number of vampire spawn to 2.
Strahd’s coffin is surrounded by a 5-foot-radius *antimagic field* effect identical to the one described in <span class="citation">Khazan’s Spell Drain (p. 167)</span>. The effect doesn’t apply to spells cast by a creature attuned to *Khazan's Staff*, which is hidden in <span class="citation">Crypt 15 (p. 88)</span> in [[#North Crypts, Third Row]].